If my recollection is correct (it has been 20+ years since I went to a meeting!), the parables in Matthew were accepted as just that...parables. That is, with the exception of the F&DS parable which is accepted as literal and applying to the GB. I might just ask him why that particular parable out of all of the parables, is accepted as literal? What makes it different? That is pretty benign, and he will have no answer to it...might make him think.
How did I get here? From Bible student to baby missionary
by Faithful Witness 21 Replies latest jw friends
Hello. Welcome to JWN. Your family is free to talk to you, according to the rules, since you were never baptized as JW's. But challenging their beliefs could make them decide to shun or limit time with you. I would forget about trying to help JW's calling on you who are not in your family. Sure, it would be great to really reach them, but the odds are greatly against you and it will only hurt your family relations if word gets back.
I suggest a reading assignment for you- go to Steve Hassan's website, freedomofmind.com, and get some of his books. You could skip to the latest one, available online at that page, FREEDOM OF MIND, or even better (but costing more) you could find his other books, COMBATTING CULT MIND CONTROL, and RELEASING THE BONDS. (You might also find those two at a library or less expensive at Amazon.)
Anyway, COMBATTING CULT MIND CONTROL is about helping yourself to see what's wrong with a particular religion or group, and while it doesn't mention JW's specifically, you would see how they fit the category of a dangerous mind-control group. But you and yours are already out. The next two books are better at helping you find a path to help someone else. They aren't miracles, you won't read them and figure out exactly how to get family out of the JW's. (If that were so, I would have gotten my wife out.) But they can help you see how to reach your family in a non-threatening way.Meanwhile, I definitely think you should try some neutral ways to keep peace- ways that don't involve disagreement over religion or holidays or anything of that sort. Talk about the people and their "secular" (work, school, activities) accomplishments.
You said:
Our bible teacher was always encouraging us to do our own research on the things we were studying: origins of holidays, pagan symbols, religious ceremonies, etc.I know you didn't stick just to Watchtower printed materials for your research, and that's great. Their material is absolutely loaded with a bias toward their way of thinking. But even if you discover that some of what they say is true, that holidays have pagan origins or some other facts, they are dealing with you from half-truths. Just because Christmas has pagan roots doesn't make what Watchtower teaches to be true. They spend a lot of time and energy showing you what's wrong with everything outside of Watchtower. That's easy. Decide for yourself what to do about things with pagan origins, and by the way- virtually everything has pagan origins, but don't take it to mean that Watchtower is right. That's all their members really learn- how to feel "right" about any subject.
Good thoughts to you.
Jw will only respond to the bible, so if I were u and I have been doing this, is learn as much about the bible and scriptures that blow up there dogma. Example when u mention why there religion doesn't help people the responce was they do something better. U could of then metioned James 3:1 or showed it to them. The bible has so many scriptures that kills there dogma learn these scriptures. Another on is when your dad mentioned only the 144k go to heaven rev. Chapter 7 says the greatcrowd d are in heaven standing infront of the throne. I think showing these type of scriptures with proper comment is the only way to get them thinking.
Avoid talking about the bible with them. It doesn't matter.
The only thing that matters to them is how the WTS interprets the bible, nobody else's opinion matters, in fact it is by default wrong in their eyes.
Hey FW,
Ok so lay off with the "apostate literature". If there was one sure fire way to get me to clamp up my mind, it was a vicerol response to that kind of literature.
If I was you, I would ASK QUESTIONS. You know the things to ask. Ask them to explain some things to you. Feign some interest, and wanting to know why they think certain things. Keep it light and friendly, and when you see the cognative dissonance, don't pounce.
Faithful Witness
Are old articles from the Watchtower, considered apostate literature? For example, the articles referenced in the current magazine... From 1990-1999?
I have obtained photocopies of the articles mentioned in the endnotes of the July 15, 2013 Watchtower study edition. This is the magazine that reveals the new light about the FD&S and the 1914-1919 changes. I couldn't understand the lesson, without access to the referenced material. That took some searching...
Faithful Witness
I am carefully considering all your varying advice, and appreciate your experiences.
My parents are already aware that I am trying to warn them about the organization. I've said it out loud. My dad claims that he is "still" looking for what is wrong (does that mean he actually knows something is wrong, he just can't put his finger on it?)
Also, I wanted to add that I am not using anything but their own words and the bible, to pose any questions to my sister and brother in law. The book I placed in my mom's bathroom, was a book full of photocopies of things they printed from the early days, along with notes to help you navigate the pages of fine print and see their bizarre teachings at the turn of the century. I placed this book, right after a conversation we had, in which I challenged them to question the truth. If someone is declaring that Christ came in 1919 and appointed them as his exclusive channel, then you really should look at what they were saying in 1914 and 1919.
I myself, was not ready to view opposing evidence until recently. Despite watching that one tv program (and only part of it), I still felt it was wrong to listen to anyone who spoke against the JW's. I have listened to the opinions and advice of people who have experienced this, but only after I feel I have exhausted my resources with Christian people and pastors that I know. I am well aware that they won't read a news story about child sexual abuse. I tried that before my mom got baptized and she ran to an elder to check my story.
I do feel that God is working through me somehow, to reach more than just my parents and sister. Sending a random JW to my door, in the middle of my prayer to reach one, was simply too much of a coincidence. BUT I appreciate the advice given, that my parents could get wind of my reaching out to witnesses in my area. I have so far been able to explain my interest, by telling them I am confused by the changes, and that I am worried about them. Even my sister went along with that excuse. They are still praying that we will come back to the truth. If i keep it low-key enough, hopefully my questions won't be of obvious.
At some point, they are going to have to drop this whole house-to-house ministry. They don't want to have a householder blurt out some current event that could reveal their wrongdoings to the very ones sacrifcing their very lives to promote their magazine business. Who will be left to recruit?
Keep playing dumb. Ask questions. Act confused, even if you aren't.
You can't tell these people anything, because the WTS has already pre-programmed them with either the WTS response, or that everyone else is way off base. You have to trick them into doing research on their own that might trigger a response in their head. They have to find it, you cannot give it to them in almost all cases.
At some point, they are going to have to drop this whole house-to-house ministry. They don't want to have a householder blurt out some current event that could reveal their wrongdoings to the very ones sacrifcing their very lives to promote their magazine business. Who will be left to recruit?
Door to door recruiting doesn't work, it hasn't for decades in first world countries. Growth comes from children and maybe some informal witnessing. They only do it to keep their members busy and to make them feel like they are doing something important with their lives.
It is great that you are there for them when they are ready to start thinking and investigating.
Hey welcome! I never got to say that. I loved your story and wanted you to know that.