Thanks, comatose.
I recently had another email exchange with my mom. It was another heartbreak, of course. I am so disappointed right now. I am still having a hard time coming to realization that they really believe this garbage. My parents are not your typical JW target, but got sucked in by my sister, who blackmailed my mom into attending meetings or not seeing my niece. Somehow, this led to my father, a once successful salesman, getting into a pissing contest with my brother in law... Literally, who can be the better JW? My once thinking, know it all, and stubborn father sent an email last year, to the entire family. "My top priority in life is to be a Good Jehovah's Witness." (In light of that goal, he has take a stand for my JW sister and emphasized the enormous rip in our family now). I think he is racing with my BIL, to see who can get more privileges and who will be crowned as an elder first.
Since they recently moved three prominent elders out of their thriving congregation, it will be interesting to see how things progress for them. My mom sent an email, hinting that things were changing and she seemed confused about the special meeting this weekend, and disappointed to see her friends she so dearly loves, being moved to another cong. When I asked her more about it, she quickly closed her mind and assured me that she will always make time for her JW friends, before she will for my children. It's really sad to see her miss their childhood. My kids happen to be extra cool. ;)
Today, I have no tolerance for this rude behavior. I wil forgive (again and again), but I am getting weary from the heartbreak.