Evolution vs. God

by Perry 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    There is another flawed premise regarding this flavor of topic:

    I've yet to see a pro-God topic like this posted by anyone other than a Christian. The debate between evolution vs. creation/ theist vs. atheist boils down to this for the Christian: when they think they've debunked an evolutionist/atheist position, the Christian automatically concludes it has proven the existence of their god (the "Christian" god). This is the height of arrogance!

    If god exists, does not the Hindu, the Jew, a Satanist or the Muslim or any of the thousands of other religions have equal claim and probability of being correct? Whatever god a person claims to believe in, for them, that is the true god. History has documented at least 30,000 distinct gods; Hinduism allows for millions of gods. A theist has a .00004% chance of being correct.

    My guess is, Ray Comfort has never considered this. He argues for the existence of his god, but in fact, his god may not, nor ever have, existed. What if the true god is Thor? or Poseidon? Or Ba'al? It matters not how convincing Comfort may be, if his god does not exist his arguments are pointless.

    It's irrelevant if Comfort thinks he's crushed an atheist or evolutionist with his "logic"; he still hasn't proven any god exists, and more importantly if true, that HIS god is the true one. Comfort may be arguing for the god of the Bible when, in fact, he should be championing Thor.

  • LisaRose

    Tags ridiculous to listen to a creationist's arguments against evolution, they don't have the knowledge and training to even truly understand the concepts, and since they have shut off their minds to the possibility, they never will. It's like a five year old arguing that the tooth fairy exists, she may have evidence that proves it (a tooth was taken, money was left) and she can't imagine any other explanation. Her faith is evidence of nothing.

  • adamah


    Her faith is evidence of nothing.

    Actually, per Christian theology, her SHOWING of HER faith to others IS an action that justifies her claim to be rewarded by God/Jesus, eg "faith without works is dead".

    That's what makes it so annoying: Christians do it, fully-well expecting they're going to be rewarded for it by going to Heaven (which of course THEY deny, as if anyone else hasn't read the same Bible, didn't once believe in and play by the same rules they do).

    (Cue a true believer who posts of how they "do it out of love for others"....)


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