I'am in the Penalty Box! I asked the Circuit Overseer "Who Donates Blood For Jehovah's Witnesses Blood Fragments".

by AuntConnie 62 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • eyeuse2badub


    I know what you mean by how your wife reacted. I had a similar experience. Wife and I were talking and I brought up how hypocritical the WTBTS is on the blood issue. We can take but not give. I also threw in the fact that, according to WT doctrine clearly stated on page 71 of the 'Reasoning' book, "Only sacrificial use of blood has ever been approved by God" . She agreed. I asked her if she ever had a blood test and what happens to that blood after it is used for medical reasons. She swallowed a bug.


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    AuntConnie, THAT was a SUPERHERO moment! Good for you!

    Giordano, the correct term is "blood fractions."

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    "Only sacrificial use of blood has ever been approved by God"

    I guess this means the person who donates blood, which eventually become fractions used by a JW, should rightfully be killed in order for the blood and fractions to be "approved" of by God.

    If they are not killed, then god didn't approve of the "sacrifice", and the JW is sinning against God by accepting the fractions.

    Isn't legalism and religious fiction wonderful?

  • losingit

    Don'tCallMeShirley-- What do fractions of fornication and idolatry look like? LOL! This is such a great point-- " After all, if fractions of blood are allowed then the other items in Acts 15 should be subject to the same (idiotic) rules." Their policies should be consistent with the rest of scripture, and it clear they are grossly INCONSISTENT! My god, when you are in, you are truly blind.

    The cognitive dissonance really did cause me so much discomfort, misery, and grief that I had no choice BUT to leave. I wish I had known earlier about sites like these. I would have felt normal and not crazy for wanting out.

  • garyneal

    I had one brother try to tell me that the blood for the fractions came from animals and that fractions are not the same as blood.


    Look at post 2731 from me on this page for a breakdown of his explanations.


    He never could answer the question...

  • garyneal

    The highlights from my study with Brother Hero:

    Hero: “Well, how can I explain this, say you we’re not allowed to have milk, but you could eat the cream that is in the milk.”

    “So I can have some of the blood then?”

    Hero: “Well, hang on, let me see. Well, just because you take a shot that has blood in it, there is not much there. It is not like taking a lot of blood in a blood transfusion.”

    I then told him that “my wife was RH- and needed a shot during her both her pregnancies. I read up on that and learned that it takes 38 to 40 pints of blood to make one dose.” I agreed that obviously that dose did not contain THAT much blood so it must have been taken apart. “However, don’t blood fractions come from blood?”

    Hero: “I don’t know.”

    “Well, I thought it did, where else can it come from and if it did, are we not taking in blood?”

    Hero: “Well, you see, you know if you take poison it can kill you but if you take just a drop… um, wait a minute. Well, you don’t think a drop of poison is deadly, right?”

    “Maybe, but if not could it not make you sick?”

    Hero: “Um, well, well all I know is that the blood fractions in those needles are not enough, not whole blood.”

    “Just a part of blood?”

    Hero: “Well, we aren’t allowed to take whole blood, but we can take what can amount to just a drop,” he said as he was holding up his pinky to illustrate how much is enough.

    “Who determines how much blood is too much blood?” I asked.

    Hero: “Um, well, um… The doctors! They are the ones who give you the fractions, they’ve already measured it out.”

    “I see, the doctors determine what it too much and what is okay,” I responded and he responded, “Right!” I tell you, the sheer lunacy of his comments knows no bounds. The doctor’s cannot be trusted and are lying but those same doctors can be trusted to determine how much blood is acceptable. He obviously knows NOTHING about the blood doctrine. I held back, he did well to hang in there this long so I decided not to plaster him on the walls too much. But I had to ask this, “Okay, if I were to become a Jehovah’s Witness, would I be allowed to donate blood so that its fractions could be used?”

    Hero: “No.”

    “Why not?”

    Hero: “Because, blood has to be…” he wanted me to fill in the rest so I said.

    “Um, poured out onto the ground?”

    Hero: “Well, uh, yes, but it must be SACRIFICED!” Okay, I am like dumbfounded, does he realize what he is saying?

    “So, any blood that comes out of my body must be sacrificed?”

    Hero: “Well, not entirely, doctor’s can draw blood samples but we cannot donate blood because that blood must be…” leading off again and then he finishes it with, “SACRIFICED!”

    “I see, well I guess it does not make sense to me because if I were a witness and I needed blood fractions who else can I get it from? Worldly people?”

    Hero: “I don’t know,” he said.

  • adamah

    Losing it said-

    The cognitive dissonance really did cause me so much discomfort, misery, and grief that I had no choice BUT to leave. I wish I had known earlier about sites like these. I would have felt normal and not crazy for wanting out.

    Yeah, it's why JWs are encouraged NOT to use their flawed human logic too much, instead deferring the onerous work of thinking to God.

    I think of the old cliche' of JWs where they often share the ancedote of saying, "Brother Smith thought he was soooo smart, he ended up THINKING himself out of the Truth, HAHAHA!", as if not even realizing that the joke was on them for NOT thinking.


  • JustVisting

    Aunt Connie,

    Don't be silly, GB members never get on the same flight, that's much too risky. They would likely book separate 1st class flights.

  • NewYork44M

    AuntConnie - Great question. You get the "kick ass" award of the day.

  • TD

    Really, why should we accept something we won't give at the Blood Bank, are we evil hypocrites....?

    It's definitely hypocritical, but isn't that part of a much larger pattern of 'cake eating' though?

    The JW faith is one that condemns those "ruining the earth" and clucks over how many trees are felled each year for paper products, while busily running a massive printing operation of its own. And not (AFAIK) on recycled paper

    The JW faith is one that soundly condemns bystanders who stand by and do nothing while a woman is stabbed to death in broad daylight, but at the same time, the JW faith is one that condemns anything useful a bystander could do against an armed assailant.

    The JW faith is one that is more than happy to accept the protection of police and military, but at the same time, the JW faith is one that disapproves of those vocations and discourages its members from serving in them.

    The JW faith is one that approves of charity in theory, but sneers at the reality by not supporting 'wordly' and 'false religious' charities while having no standing alternatives of its own.

    I could go on and on and on.

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