Send the elder who threw you out of the second school a "Thank You" card, maybe with a cigar.
Update on my fade
by wizzstick 38 Replies latest jw experiences
Wow, what good news.
Such a great update! I can only hope to follow in your footsteps soon. It was so difficult to see my husband and kids heading off to the meeting tonight, when the kids should've been finishing their homework and tucking into bed. The only comfort I can take is that I'm pretty sure if they were old enough to decide for themselves, they would stay as far away as possible from the KH.
That's good news. I wish my wife would wake up soon regarding TTATT.
Glad to hear you're on the same wavelength.
Oh wow Wizz ..... good for you!
So glad you two didn't waste anymore of your lives!
she now agrees this is not the Truth and we're fading together! We're planning Xmas and birthdays and all the such.
Now THAT sounds like a real life! A FUN life!
Congratulations to you and Mrs Wizz!
Thanks all for your kind words.
Having read so many heart breaking accounts on here, I know I'm very fortunate indeed to have my wife onboard. We can see trouble ahead but we know we can deal with it together.
This board is such a great place.
A very big thanks to Simon as always.
Alligator Wisdom
Hello wizzstick!
I'm on a successful fade of four months and my wife is really understanding my situation (a topic for another thread). She goes to the meetings about 60-70% of the time now and tries to see whatever positive she can glean from the meetings. However, I feel that she is seeing a host more about TTATT and will uncoil to her authentic self once she gets home, disrobing the cult personality.
Slowly, but surely.
Yes, I'm glad to hear about your family's current progress in your direction in life.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
OTWO, LOL I have said something similar to hubby about the ones who treated us so badly. If not for them we'd sill be stuck in.
Welcome on board , its great that you have your wife on the same wavelength as yourself .And you wont be shunned on this board no matter what you say .