As Doug rightly points out, BEFORE anything was written down by anybody, the details and facts had been passed around by word-of-mouth a long, long time.
So, stop and consider.
All the major damage that can be done to 'fresh details' was baked-in from the get-go.
We can and should consider this, too. Nobody connected with transmission of what we now call the Bible needed to be deliberately dishonest.
The so-called pious-fraud is usually caused by highly motivated honest people TRYING TO CLARIFY the text by "helping."
Scribes, translators, copyists had only the best of intentions as they CHANGED what was written so that you, the reader, would not misunderstand!
This wasn't fraud. It is dumb meddlesome introduction of variance.
Keep that in mind. There don't have to be any "bad guys" in the chain of transmission. Just lots of helpful "clarifications."
The lovely folks at the Watch Tower Society introduced the name JEHOVAH where other words existed. They HELPED, you see.
They wanted to make it "more accurate."
They CHANGED IT with the best of intentions.
Every Bible translation has thousands of these little damages.
The introduced "clarifying" words in [brackets] so you wouldn't accidently think there was a Triune God.
Aren't we grateful?