When I read "drive-by witnessing" in the thread title, I got this really bizarre image of a car full of angry JWs screeching to a halt in front of some poor schmuck mowing his front lawn, bombarding him with rolled-up Watchtowers, and then peeling rubber as they tear-assed away at top speed...
Do you have any "one-liners" for drive-by witnessing?
by Faithful Witness 35 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Faithful Witness
@Vidiot: that might be more effective than their current preaching efforts... Or at least it would make good mulch, after being shredded by the mower.
@Phizzy: I like how these are so simple, yet so profound... 1 & 2 especially. The love question is a good one, if you can get there... But they talk so much about love, I think they believe it is happening, even though they don't feel it. You forget how love really feels, if you sit in the KH long enough. Emotions are Too abstract, and require more compels thought... I guess that is what we are going for... So I see how the last 2 questions you raised could work, too.
@jgnat: I've actually had them tell me they miss us, but was not fully armed to respond in the past. I think I can now use a more appropriate response than, "I know. We have been praying for you all."
I like all of these questions and responses from you all. Thanks for the ideas. I want to go as simple as possible, try to find questions they have to answer from their own mind, not being able to find the answers in the bible or a wt publication.
I really don't see how truth can change, nor why they are not allowed to examine it. How do you justify that idea in your mind? That's where my husband and I got hung up and had to quit. The bell went off in our heads, and we realized we had just gone too far. I can see how easy it is to get trapped, since you honestly believe there is nowhere else to turn.
I'm also considering the question, "Do you believe it's dangerous to read the Bible, without the aid of the Watchtower?" is the watchtower inspired? Which would be a greater loss, if you had to live your life without the watchtower or without the bible?
I particularly like the questions that challenge the new light, and the definition of the F&DS. I know that is the core of their belief system: they are not allowed independent thought. Who declared them as the one channel from Jehovah God? Jesus did That in 1919? Have you read or studied what they were preaching during the years of 1914-1919? Can you review some of that information and help me understand it? Was that the truth, or is what they teach today actually the truth?
I think I'll just say, "I'm so confused. How can you begin to wrap your mind around the new things they believe today?" Do you honestly understand what you believe, or do you just go along with it to keep the peace?
Black Sheep
The questions you are liking are ones that you feel are important.
You need questions that they feel are important ... and that you already know the official answer/non-answer for and how to deal with that.
Faithful Witness
Black sheep: quit being right all the time!
Im so glad to have this place to think out loud, before I actually open my big fat mouth. Thank you.
invite the jw to think this through:
One GB meeting in apostolic times.
One residue for the present GB from that:
The Bood Doctrine and
it's variations over time.
It should have been put on one line. for a one-liner.
Do you have any ideas for simple questions I can ask, with sincerity, that might cause someone I know or meet, to start thinking critically?
In general, take the approach suggested above by jgnat. Keep things informal.
For JWs interested in logical analysis, you can take this approach: Get them to open their Bible to Jeremiah 25:12. Read the verse. What is the order of events? Do 70 years end before or after Babylon's king was 'called to account'? Because Babylon's king is called to account after the 70 years ends, the 70 years is not of exile, and it can't end after 539 BCE. Then send them here.
One that's made my hubby think is asking why they needed to change the 'generation' to an 'overlapping generation' (really meaning two generations), wasn't it because the generation that saw 1914 is now dead?
Captain Obvious
"Did you know the local indigenous peoples have been here for over 10000 years? Amazing. They recently found a spear head with woolly mammoth blood on it!"
tim hooper
Just ask to see the Scripture that refers to Jehovah's organisation.