No named witness wants me to come back into truth but won't leave contact details

by usualusername 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • usualusername

    Late last night I received the following message from the contact form on my website

    This message was sent from the contact form on the Today's PA Website


    No Name


    No name


    No name


    [email protected]




    Why did you leave the truth? You hurt Jehovah and your friends. Remember the truth and Jehovah is the only thing in the end that will keep you living forever.

    How bizarre is that. If they want me back why not leave a name or correct number?


  • jgnat

    Obviously so that they can count the time and you can't.

  • sspo

    They could get in trouble just for contacting you. End up in back room with two elders.

  • jgnat

    Or, the apostate could rub off and they would be contaminated.

  • GromitSK

    That looks like a mobile phone number to me - what happened when you tried it?

    maybe it's from jehovah? :)

  • happy@last

    How odd! No warmth there, just a message from no-one! Could it be an 'old friend' who happened to be thinking about you?

  • 70wksfyrs

    I think it's someone who cares deeply, but is heavily indoctrinated and scared. They are probably from the KH where you last served expecting you to come in.

    We are having a CO visit this week. His first talk was about having an odbedient heart, and then closed his talk with the Nov wt quote

    "At that time, the life-saving direction that we receive from Jehovah’s organization may not appear practical from a human standpoint. All of us must be ready to obey any instructions we may receive, whether these appear sound from a strategic or human standpoint or not."

    He said blah blah blah Armageddon is around the corner.......yawn yawn yawn........the UN this that and the other.....yadda yadda yadda (with a convincing and charasmatic CO voice)

    So this person might be hyped up with renewed zeal and thinks you are going to die soon if you dont go to the KH, because you will prove to have a disobedient heart.

    You are disobeying the GB and you need to listen, obey and be blessed!!!!!!

  • steve2

    Pity them - but understand them also. By their failing to resist the urge to contact you, they reveal they are not fully compliant with their religious beliefs that completely scorn contact.

    To reveal their name and locality they risk exposing themselves as identifiably unfaithful to the very religion they urge you to come back to. What a self-incriminating way to try to get you to return.

  • tiki

    that "hurt" bit is really really stupid. how do they figure "hurt" coming from someone's decisions not to believe the way they do? weird


    Why did you leave the truth? You hurt Jehovah

    He was in the Hospital for 3 Days!..

    .........................  photo mutley-ani1.gif ...OUTLAW

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