No named witness wants me to come back into truth but won't leave contact details

by usualusername 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • jgnat

    Yeah, that "Hurts Jehovah" business. It's passive-aggressive manipulation. Besides, Jehovah by comparison has always been direct. Jehovah is described as angry or loving but never "hurt".

  • usualusername

    Upon reflection I am 90% sure it was my mother.

    The time sent in the evening and the manipulative language used suggest it is her. My only hesitation is that she knows little about websites and emails.

    Whatever the case the message is sad.

  • LostGeneration

    Good ole' mom!

  • cofty

    That is a UK mobile number

  • steve2

    Jehovah God was so hurt by you leaving the "truth" that he needs others to emotionally blackmail you.

    BTW, every single sad-ars*d parent knows if you want to drive your kids nuts with guilt, tell 'em how hurt they make you feel when they're bad.

  • Jeffro


    Yeah, that "Hurts Jehovah" business. It's passive-aggressive manipulation. Besides, Jehovah by comparison has always been direct. Jehovah is described as angry or loving but never "hurt".

    The Bible's flood myth says he was "hurt" at Genesis 6:6. (Awww... poor little Jehovah.) So he murdered almost everyone.

  • LostGeneration

    Poor Jehoopla, alway getting butt hurt because people stop going to his sales meetings.

  • Hortensia

    What? No sympathy for jehovah? After all he's done for you? And he suffered creation pains for six days making the world nice for you ungrateful people. You'll be sorry. Wait until you have disciples. Then you'll know what jehovah has gone through for you.

    Oh, wait. No, you won't, because jehovah is fictional. Whew!

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