One of the biggest things that bothered me as a Jehovahs Witness was the whole 'We are the world' Bullcrap that they used to teach, and that culture, color, and race didnt matter. As far as I'm concerned thats a bunch of BS. People have a right to preserve who they, where they came from, and they have a right to be represented. All of this color blind BS is why so many Ex Jehovahs Witness had a problem dealing with people out in the world, after they have left a this harmful cult. Not saying the people of other colors and cultures shouldnt get along, because we should. However, I am not going along with the whole we are one crap the media has been forcing down out throats for the last 40 years. Thats a bunch of BS. Growing up as a J-dub, we were always taught that prejudice was wrong, and i do agree. If a person is effected by the prejuidce of someone else, it is wrong with a captial W. However, it is not fair that I was taught by the watchtower to be a passive interrgationist. Should a person's life be in danger because of another's persons feelings, and how they feel? No. But what I am saying is that people have a right to preserve. Thats all I'm saying.
People have a right to preserve their culture race and identity!!!
by Joliette 20 Replies latest jw experiences
There would be those who would disagree with you because they feel America is a big melting pot. But, I think it is more like chunky soup. There are parts that are distinct and I suppose that is good in a way.
The problem is that the people who make the rules for everybody else to deal with don't deal with it themselves. Do you think the fat cats are living in bad neighborhoods and dealing with the social problems connected with it?? Hell NO! They are in exclusive areas living in fortresses and their kids are in private schools. Hell, some of them can even live overseas and would if things got too hot here.
The JWs are naive and hypocritical with regard to culture, color and race. Sometimes it "worked" and sometimes it didn't. I noticed that sometimes there was culture clash, jealousy and attitudes by certain people. And, most of all, I saw hypocrisy by certain stupid elders.
Yea, the Dubs always say that there's no prejudice in the Borg, but I've heard a few stories from a Sis that moved from NYC to a southern town and in her Cong there were certain things going on, and needless to say her Cong wasn't only one where such racial problems were happening.
You can't automatically join a Cult and your views of different races are automativally wiped from your mind, did you follow the thread about Trayvon Martin here?
When to many shop at Target it gets a little boring looking. We should try and experience other cultures, see what they have to offer. My dad and his brother would spend parts of their youthful summer's with the Lakota. My grandfather was a RXR engineer and would drop the boys off for weeks at a time. The Lakota Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota has opened up camp sites again.
JWs are no more and no less prejudiced than any other cross-section of the population.
They are often slightly better than most at disguising it in public.
LoisLane looking for Superman
In my Circuit in LA, 44 years ago, most congo's were mixed, a few all black, a few all white. The congo next to mine, all white. When the dad of my pioneer friend, came home, he opened his front door to find his daughter had invited a carload of pioneers from an all black congo over for an afternoon, soft drink and potty stop.
His retelling to my Southern raised white mom, with me listening, was telling. "I opened the door and my house was full of +++++++. I thought I was being robbed".
That afternoon, he was introduced to the group and found out, soon after, that his blonde haired sun kissed California born daughter, was in love and wanting to marry one of those young men.
In a matter of a few short weeks, they had their most beloved only daughter packed up and moving to where the "need was greater" in an all white area, very far away.
My friend, who I grew up with since she was 4 and I was 5, married a Bethelite. She has no children, there are no grandchildren. I can only wonder what life would have been like for her, if nature had, had, it's way.
Lois- great story. Remember the Circuit Assemblies at the old Long Beach auditorium. The Greeks always ran the kitchen, one Sunday the Paulos boy began shouting across the kitchen 'where's the vnigger where's the vnigger' everybody froze, then one person figured out he was asking for the vinegar!
Jollette totally agree. My sons found it very difficult to make the adjustment, it
was hard for them to fit in. No identity. I found it was hard for me in the 60's.
My class mate were involved in the movement, marching, Black Panthers, US
organization, M. King and etc.
It hit me that I had lost my identity on an encounter with a black minister.
Serving where the need is great in a small town that at one time was hot bed for
the KKK. His words, let me tell you young man you may have a brotherhood that
crosses all color lines but without the efforts of those folks on the front line, there is
no way you would be living on that side of town and no way would you be able
to knock on the doors of you white neighbors. Your butt would be hanging from a tree.
So you tell me what have the WT done for blacks.
I never went back to his door. LOL He was still talking when I left his door.
Julia Orwell
I've observed that jws are a people without culture, or at least cut off from their culture. They cant participate in most expressions of culture because they are rooted in 'false' religion or national holidays. A lot of art and music produced by their parent culture becomes off limits too. They end up mostly dressing the same, and have no rituals that reinforce community and social ties except boring assemblies. The jw cultural artifacts such as writings, art and music are strictly co trolled and issue from one source, like a totalitarian regime, so jws are not creators or arbitrators of their own culture. They are also told not to favour one culture or people over another while given no alternative to forming a cultural or ethnic identity of their own in the context of their society. Also they are not supposed to develop self in areas of art, performance, literature, sports, or get involved with cultural expressions such as parades, celebrations and family activities. they are also to keep away from non jws who do express their identities through their socio-cultural context.
Thus cut off from society at large, the wt can practice almost any perversion of reality, shaping the jws the way they want.
I totaly agree Joliette, they wanted autonomous robots with a clean hard drive to do their publishing and construction work... that was all.