People have a right to preserve their culture race and identity!!!

by Joliette 20 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    My psychiatrist calls it 'detribalising'. That, he says, combined with disempowerment, leads to depression.

  • Joliette

    Great replies. Thank you guys.

  • FrankieGoesToHollywood

    A little off topic perhaps but don´t know how to create a post!

    All nations is important to God! "Armagedon" isn´t "the end" as it´s cracked up to be by the totalitarian Governing Body.

    In the end, the enemies of Jerusalem who survive the plague will go up to Jerusalem each year to worship the King, the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, and to celebrate the Festival of Shelters. 17 Any nation in the world that refuses to come to Jerusalem to worship the King, the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, will have no rain. 18 If the people of Egypt refuse to attend the festival, the Lord will punish them with the same plague that he sends on the other nations who refuse to go. 19 Egypt and the other nations will all be punished if they don’t go to celebrate the Festival of Shelters.

    (This beeing AFTER "armagedon")

    -Zechariah 14:16.

    This is whyI ask, then, has God rejected his own people, the nation of Israel? Of course not! I myself am an Israelite, a descendant of Abraham and a member of the tribe of Benjamin.

    2 No, God has not rejected his own people, whom he chose from the very beginning.

    -Romans 11:1-2

    we work hard and continue to struggle, [a] for our hope is in the living God, who is the Savior of all people and particularly of all believers.

    -1 Timothy 4:10

  • tim hooper
    tim hooper

    Our government keep telling us that we live in a multi-cultural society. Unfortunately, they didn't think to ask the populace how they felt about the idea before implementing it.

  • Scully

    Multi-culturalism was fine when it meant that there were celebrations in each town and city that showed off the traditional dress, cuisine and arts of the various cultures. It's turned into a monster that has been used against our own culture - we dare not have any displays of Anglo pride or white pride, lest we be accused of racism, while everyone else is allowed to celebrate their culture and identity, and receives public money to help them do it.

    What it's turned into is a society where "cultural identity" is used as a playing card to create an unfair advantage over other whose cultural background is considered 'the norm' (i.e., white anglo saxon), all other things being equal. I have a kid who will likely never be able to get a job where he wants to work, because he is white, anglo saxon and male. Preference is given to other candidates of other cultural backgrounds.

    One of my parents is an immigrant, my other parent's grandparents were immigrants. Survival at that time required integration - learning the language, adopting the customs and language that were in use when they arrived. My grandmother once scolded my grandfather for speaking in their native language - telling him (in her thick accent) "We're in Canada now, speak English."

    Integration helped people learn to get along, imo, and I don't see the same effort on the part of more recent immigrants to try to get along with the people whose country they wish to make their new home. I don't know how many Somali and Saudi women I've tried to help with their newborns, who cannot communicate in English or French. They keep to their own kind - they don't want to get along with us, yet we have to bend over backward to accommodate them.

    That being said, I agree with you, Joliette, that the WTS made a mockery of acceptance of all races, languages and cultures. They International Conventions™ used to have a highlight ceremony where people that came from other countries would be paraded around in their national costume and we all clapped like trained seals, because we were told this was how it would be in the Paradise™. Yet, the next day, those costumes were put away and all those foreign delegates were dressed in suits and dresses like everyone else.

  • WTWizard

    What they don't say, and what is "not politically correct", is that there are three major races of Gentile people. And, these need to be kept pure for optimal results--mixing them is comparable to mixing three jigsaw puzzles and expecting to get one big puzzle. Chances are you will get poor fitting pieces and the result will look like crap. The same happens when you try to mix races--White and Black elements working out of harmony, mental issues from this conflict, and even physical sickness result. The usual result is disorders and being out of sync with nature. You see, White, Black, and Asian people have their own cultures and their own conditions that they are optimized for.

    When you try to mix these cultures, everyone loses. Just as physically race-mixed people often have multiple traits that conflict with each other, when you mix cultures, you get compromises. You might have to blend Asian, Hispanic, Negro, and Native American cultures with white culture. The result is that none of them are actually enough to satisfy any of the groups, and all end up losing. This is manifest in so many taboos on holidays, such as replacing Christmas with the generic "holidays" term. We are seeing this in losing Santa Claus, losing Christmas trees, and in having a few scumbags complaining about Christmas displays (often in neighborhoods they don't even live in) ruining it for everyone in the name of "diversity". Anyone that insists on a pure culture is branded "bigoted", "racist", and not politically correct.

    And the three major religious platforms (Jews, xians, and Muslims) all have a lot to do with this. All three go into areas where people are minding their own business and trash their cultures. Take Nigeria, where Negroes are supposed to be supreme because the climate is optimized for that race. You get xians and muslims both going in there and forcing native Negroes to abandon Negro culture to adopt Islam and Christi-SCAM-ity. Often what you see is missionaries going in those countries and hounding natives to adopt the religion, using shame to get them in. Fraud is widespread, and they kidnap and rape (and torture) people to force them in. Islam fights back, often installing itself into the governments. When this happens, you lose the natural culture. Whether Noahide Law, Sharia Law, or the Law of St Benedict, these intrude in the rights these people had to their own cultures.

    The white race also lost its culture. This happened when Christi-SCAM-ity infested Europe with the inquisition. People were forced to abandon natural white culture to take up this scam of a religion, under torture threats. The result is that original White culture was ruined, and we see the dull version of what used to be a rich culture that was adept at building. Technology was lost, history was destroyed, and we went into the Dark Ages.

    As I see it, these three religions had no right to intrude on native people. Jews had no right to invade the Middle East and destroy their culture back when Joshua invaded and destroyed all the Pagan nations. Xians had no right to invade Europe, and then Africa, destroying cultures and selling Africans as slaves in foreign countries where they are poorly suited to live. Muslims had no right to invade the whole of the Middle East and parts of Europe, imposing Sharia Law and stifling sexuality. All three are guilty--and none have any right of whining "Your complaining about us is not politically correct". Instead, they need to realize that selling people into slavery in foreign countries for their own fat selves, and trashing native countries, is beyond "not politically correct". They are all guilty of ruining our culture.

    I will add that the jokehovian witlesses are exemplary at trashing cultures, even worse than xians have. They also trash the values we see in society. Worse than generic "holiday parties", they don't do anything at all. Worse than the mess we call "culture" that is a corrupted version of before xianity infested it, they ditch even that. Instead, everything is conformity. Gray suits, dark gray bags, white shirts, strict regulations on music and entertainment, no culture except boasting sessions and field circus--taking what Christi-SCAM-ity has already done to the extreme.

  • smiddy


    I`m going back to the early 1960`s when I became a witness about 20 years of age. The perception was, what a wonderfull organization this was ,people of all nationalities getting on well together with a mingling of cultures.Melbourne Australia , even back then was a muti-cultural city.And it was my introduction to mingling with, and associating with people of different nationalities.Mainly european .( which I would never have done had I not been a witness.) Greeks ,germans,dutch,slavs,italians,british , french , spanish,and a jewish family were all part of our first congregation.And that had a big impact on my acceptance of the"truth".

    I have been involved with no less than 8 congregations in the 33 years I was an active witness covering 3 states and in none of those congregations or even circuits was their ever an indigenous person in attendance . (Sorry if thats off topic )

    On the one hand the society was portraying witnesses from many cultures and many forms of dress getting along in peace and harmony , but that is not the reality , nationalism / culture / religion / prejudice / race / that is what is bound up in the human phsyche , its just a fact of life.

    My 2 cents worth


  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    My family was gerrymandered into a ghetto KH. We were not happy. I would visit my aunt and uncle who attended a suburban hall. The suburban hall had none of the poverty issues faced in my home KH. The Witnesses were nice but mired in ghetto mentality. For example, the work ethic was low. There was such a contrast even tho both KHs were JWs in a rather small geographical area.

    I was shocked as a Northern JW to hear that KHs were segregated well into the civil rights movement. It is not clear when they desegregated. I was so young and challenged a CO about it. He was not used to children saying something was wrong. They did not want to turn away whites. I responded that maybe the blacks felt as second class citizens. Jesus would accomodate both groups. Jesus, however, preached to Jews. He initially refused to heal the Samaritan woman.

    I knew both Peace Corps and Gilead grads. The Peace Corps volunteers were over the moon about diversity and their work. I can't recall a single Gilead grad not complaining about the low level of life abroad. Of course, Peace Corps volunteers often lived in large homes and even had servants. There was camraderie, not criticism. Gilead grads prob. lived at a very low level.

    The WT always seemed when I was young to be white heavy in illustrations. Now they include other races.

  • valkyrie

    Quick question: does everyone on this forum (Europeans and American) equate "ghetto" with 'an all-Black neighborhood'?

    I watched an American-made documentary film yesterday, called "Oxyana," which exposed the deleterious impact of prescription drug abuse (particularly, Oxycontin/Oxycodone) on the population of a small town in West Virginia - Oceana (Wyoming County).

    I would certainly describe that community - comprised of white Appalachia folk, former coal miners, destitute, devoid of hope and outside world experience, trapped in a cycle of addiction, poverty and violence - as a ghetto. Yet, not a dark skin was seen (on the film, at least).

    How do you describe a ghetto? What is its most prominent feature? Race, or socio-economic condition (class and prospects)?

  • Resistance is Futile
    Resistance is Futile

    *gets popcorn*

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