No bibles at any kingdomhalls, strong rumors the annual meeting is regarding the bible...

by EndofMysteries 46 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • skeeter1

    Every JW needs the current bible. So, it's a good revenue stream for the Borg. Make a new Bible and everyone will have to buy donate for it. Not much different than Apple. Make a new I-Phone and everyone will have to get one.


  • DesirousOfChange

    Make a new Bible and everyone will have to buy donate for it.

    But will they?

    Obviously(TM) donations are down.

    It would not surprise me at all to see a "donation per publisher" announcement made at every congregation to cover the costs of "giving" a new Bible to everyone in attendance. This in addition to the funds donated at the Special Meeting event.


  • Glander

    Yes , I see a new Bible as a revenue item. They are selling paper, cardboard and ink, produced with near free labor on presses that have long ago paid for themselves.

    Whatever razz matazz revisions they come up with is irrellavant.

    Milk the Cow

  • Bob_NC

    Scarcity creates a (false) sense of value. NO NWT anywhere is a WT game to make sure they get the maximun $contribution for each Bible.

    Think about it, you have 50 rolls of toilet paper. Do you conserve or value it? How about when there are 10 squares left on the last roll? NWT anywhere. The friends will contribute when it is released.

  • EndofMysteries

    I overheard JW's talking about how they are embarrassed right now and not sure what to do with their studies that they can't give them a copy of the 'real' bible lol. I can just imagine if they have a bible study, "yea, we have the true restored bible, but you can only understand it through the faithful slave by reading it along with their bible publications". Bible study: "Wow, well let me get a copy of the true word of God". Pioneer: "Umm well we haven't had any the past 6 months, so you can use your king james version".

  • Crazyguy

    Yeah a new bible is a good idea, if you create demand then introduce a new thing all fanzy, then people will gladdly donate. It may not be much different as for content but will have a nicer look so people will want it. They will probably do the same with other books that they think people will donate for, like a new song book etc.

  • biometrics

    They could make the NWT into an iPhone app and publish it to the Apple App Store for $5.99.

    Or they coudl make bibles with brigher colors. Black is so middle-ages.

  • DS211

    The elder at my hall said they havent been producing Bibles because they had to focus most if their money on the DC and the prodigal movie/imitate their faith book

  • EndofMysteries

    DS211 - That makes perfect sense! Since nobody can understand the bible except through the words of the Governing Body, it just really makes sense that nobody needs to read the bible. It can only be understood through holy spirit with the governing body get. Now they are not inspired or anything and they are imperfect, but everybody always knew only the WT and their publications are all that's needed. The annoucement will probably be that there will be no more bibles anymore, because the governing body who has NOT been appointed over all the belongings yet, is obviously the faithful slave though, and even though not inspired, they are the only ones who can understand the bible and so having the watchtowers written by rank and file members but approved by them will be ample spiritual food for all.

  • OnTheWayOut

    I like some of what I read here. Based on that, I will start another rumor:

    "Watchtower Tablet" (or just paper white reader) which will include the NWT and get downloads of mags every month.

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