JW Wife complications

by manda63 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • nonjwspouse


    I have been concentrating on planting mental seeds, like others here have suggested. ( btw thank you, thank you, thank you, everyone) One particularly good one was " What if I were wanting to join a cult, what would you do?" I asked would he leave me alone to do whatever I wanted, would he even care? His reply was to do research and try to show me what I was getting into, he even said " I'd do what you are doing". I was floored and speechless. I didn't know if he was just saying what I wanted to hear without meaning a word, or if he was being for real at the time. After I gathered composure and continued in the same line of reasoning like, " but what if I refused to look at anything you produced calling them all obvious lies?" etc, and his discomfort, I think he actually did understand and meant what he said, or at least saw the striking similarity. That was close to a year ago. He is still "on hold" not attending any studies or meetings and missed the recent convention. He grew a beard. I believe maybe my seeds are taking root. But I am still not sure.

    I get it manda. It is a daily challange. Over a year ago when in couples therapy agreed to keep the WT material out of the bedroom and not read it in bed as he had been doing. I explained it was a massive trigger and we were arguing all the time. I did say I would not object him reading the NWT anytime. But only the Bible and no WT materials. I agreed to do the same, but also I could read my Bible anytime. He agreed, though broke that promise a few times at firsn ( claiming I had no right). Several explosions later he has finally stopped ( Yes, I have extreme difficulty not confonting the issue, especially when he has in effect lied to me.)

    I feel for you. It is very difficult. This forum has been invaluable to me. Also the yuku.com exjw forum was the first place I ever posted. Though not as active as this board, it is extremely welcoming and helpful.

    I don't want to "converT" him to anything. I just want him to wake up and recognise he is in a cult and stop wanting to get baptised, jepordizing the family ties with his active JW mother and inactive father. I know my husband does not fully agree with some of the "rules" and WILL eventually be taked to by elders and placed in a very hard situation if he becomes baptised. One that I know is a problem is our young child goes to a Catholic School and he knows I have no intention to take her out of there. ( Neither did he) Public school here is bad, and other private schools we could not afford. Imagine the field day any power loving elder would have with that one. He attends special functions there when our child is in the function and wants him to be there.

    His relationship with his parents is very close. If he gets baptized ...well it's like watching a train wreck, helplessly.

  • jgnat

    I can't believe the audacity of the elders thinking they have any authority to counsel you on your marriage or your behavior! I'd say continue to point out that they have none.

    I wouldn't put it past these dim-wits to be counselling your wife behind your back.


    They WILL go behind your back, be careful.

    You could tell your wife that you have been studying the bible, and that you have discovered something incredible! God has promised that there is no spiritual breaking point for Christians! Ask her if she agrees. If she was in a concentration camp for her faith and sentenced to death, would she be spiritually broken? Or does she believe that she would " conquer the WORLD " by remaining faithful, even in the face of death? Just keep asking, " So YOU REALLY BELIEVE that God's Holy Spirit will sustain you no matter what? YOU TRULY BELIEVE that you have NO SPIRITUAL BREAKING POINT?" Wait for it.....

    Then ask her to scripturally explain the WTBTS teaching of "absolute spiritual endangerment", a teaching used to allow for separation and divorce. It is totally unscriptural and goes beyond what is written. This teaching is from a group of men that would encourage your wife NOT to leave you if you were beating her.

  • knows better
    knows better

    i am also married to a life long witness, over 25 years. short story: 2 kids both out, dfed, she doesn't shun them. we are at a place where we don't speak about religion. i try and plant some seeds whenever i can, but her guard is always up. her watchtower side see me a evil as hell and responsible for her childern leaving the cult. but her "normal" side sees me as a loving husband and a caring father. its quite a battle to have going on in your head i imagine. its a very difficult life to lead, but i try and conentrate on the thing we have in commom instead of out differences. its hard and i know there are 2 sides to every story, but ... she NEVER, EVER brings up anything watchtowery with me. when she has it always ends in a argument.

    we just move forward. and i hope for change

  • 3rdgen

    Welcome, Manda63, So sorry you are having to deal with this situation. Hugs to everyone suffering with divided households under the vice grip of the WTBTS.

  • losingit

    I have to give credit to all of these marriages that have survived the WTBTS infiltration and interruption of your married life. I wish I had been able to do the same. Please don't stop fighting for love.

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