Congratulations on finishing your book and its publication. I look forward to reading it since I so enjoy the essays you post here.
I am curious whether writing the book caused more trauma or resolved it. Hopefully, you added personal details of what serving hard time as a Witness was like. My male relatives refused to discuss it.
This book contains a Part I and Part II because of the split in my mind and emotions.
What is now Part II was Part I.
My eldest son read the book and told me to put the most personal stuff first and I listened.
I'm a private person in everyday life. I needed to confront some of the truly hateful episodes and get rid of them once and for all.
But, to lay that out in the open for strangers to use to judge me went against every protective mechanism.
Consequently, I had to find a way to tell it like it really was without lapsing into excusing myself for being stupid, naive, gullible and cultist.
Man! That was so-o-o-o-o hard to do!
But--I did manage to find the way through.
I laid out the context with as much detail as I could summon. First, historically. Then, among other similar religious denominations. Finally,
for myself. By putting myself and my tale against the backdrop of others it served to give me self-context, if that makes sense to you.
I now can see myself as a teenager who needed a best friend and a surrogate family and a way to experience rite-of-passage.
With Jehovah's Witnesses who were all to willing to cuddle me and shape me and set Lord of the Rings style epic struggles before me---I was home.
Yet, all the while, I did have a natural tendency toward skepticism. The double-mindedness created cognitive dissonance up to the point
I couldn't remain rational any longer and I gave up my sanity to become a true believer.
And happened. I confronted an actual moment when Jehovah could keep his promises or disappear in a puff of diabolical smoke.
I set up that moment with three things in my Introduction. When the moment comes, the reader has those tools handy to disambiguate
exactly what happened in a greater and more meaningful understanding than otherwise.
I hope the "right" people read it--the ones who are fence-sitters puzzled and affrighted of personal loss.