Questions to ask the Dub at your door

by ozziepost 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • ozziepost

    When you next have a visit from a Dub, what will you say?

    Perhaps you should have some quickfire questions ready to ask them.

    Here's my three:

    1. How come Jesus kicked Satan out of heaven in October 1914, at the end of the Gentile Times, when Satan had started WW1 to distract attention from the KIngdom's establishment around July 1914 ?

    2. Who was the Faithful & Discreet Slave BEFORE 1914? Who was it around the year (pick any date) ?

    3. If Jesus came in 1914, why do you still have the Memorial, because the Bible tells us to do it "until he arrives" ? (1 Cor 11:26)

    Have you any to add? Remember, keep them short.


    "If our hopes for peace are placed in the hands of imperfect people, they are bound to evaporate."

    - Ron Hutchcraft Surviving the Storms of Stress

  • Beck_Melbourne

    Ozzie..I love it. I'm going to poach yours

    What I am going to say is: 'why are you wearing that green and red tartan tie with that blue shirt?'


  • Marilyn

    Ozzie i didn't get the first two but 3. is great. Thanx. I can't do difficult stuff with them coz I've been out too long and I never paid attention to detail during the ten years I was in. So I have to stick with the simple stuff. :-)))))))))


  • LyinEyes

    Good ones Ozzie, but my question will probably be this: How many hours do you plan on staying here visiting me,counting all that time?

    I failed to do this last time and had to endure FOREVER, wondering when they would leave.
    Next time I will just , ask and then I will be prepared. Almost like prepping oneself to remove a band-aid, either way you go , it's gonna be hell. On second thought, maybe I just wont answer the door!!!!

  • cornish

    I actually used this one when a couple of JWs called on my house,I didnt tell them I was an ex Witness initially.

    If I became a Jehovahs Witness and got baptized into your faith and later on decided to leave because I was unhappy,would their be any sanctions against me,would I be shunned or ostracized or treated as an outcast?
    They assured me unhesitatingly that this would definately not be the case.

  • refiners fire
  • Pathofthorns

    Lying Eyes,

    A person once asked me at the door if I was "counting time" and I felt like

    I think deep down most Witnesses are uncomfortable with the time counting. They know that at least sometimes, it is what drives them to go out in the ministry.

    Ozzy, your questions are good but I feel that arguing with them over their interpretations and doctrines are a waste of time. Since they invented them, they can invent whatever answer to your questions and few even really care to know them. Most are just there 'putting in time'.


  • SexKitten

    I don't know about questions for Dubs at the door, but I always ask those cute young Mormon boys if they can show me their sacred underwear.

  • ozziepost

    Okay, okay, here's another one:

    How did Christ make it known that he had chosen the WTS as the F&DS?

  • ozziepost

    G'day Marilyn,

    i didn't get the first two but 3. is great.
    Can I add a comment or two that may make it clearer.

    Regarding number 2 "Who was the Faithful & Discreet Slave BEFORE 1914? Who was it around the year (pick any date) ?" the Dub will have a choice. Either they admit that it was the Catholic church, in which case Russell had rebelled against the slave class and was guilty of apostasy, or they say (and this is most likely) that there have always been individuals down through the centuries who've been a faithful slave. If they say the latter, then they are siding with the 'official' Christian view of the faithful slave, which is that it represents individual faithful Christians.

    Regarding number 1 "How come Jesus kicked Satan out of heaven in October 1914, at the end of the Gentile Times, when Satan had started WW1 to distract attention from the KIngdom's establishment around July 1914 ?" you need to recall that the WTS teaches that upon being installed as King in 1914, Jesus went to wage war on God's enemies in heaven and banished Satan and a third of the angels down to the vicinity of the earth. My point is that according to history, WW1 started some three months before this was supposed to take place in the WTS timing.


    "If our hopes for peace are placed in the hands of imperfect people, they are bound to evaporate."

    - Ron Hutchcraft Surviving the Storms of Stress

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