If I became a Jehovahs Witness and got baptized into your faith and later on decided to leave because I was unhappy,would their be any sanctions against me,would I be shunned or ostracized or treated as an outcast?
They assured me unhesitatingly that this would definately not be the case.
I asked this same question and got the same exact response. I'm not/never have been a witness but have studied with them for many years but never been baptized. After coming to this site and reading the stories about being DF'd and DA'd, I posed this question to my "study partners" and they responded the same way.
Is this a lie?
I assumed that it probably (as with most orgs/religions) varies from congregation to congregation...that naturally some congs will be stricter and some more "laid back". I don't know.
I also asked the question (and it is a good one):
"If say you didn't believe in 1914 for example, would you continue to teach it in the field ministry? Would you just avoid talking about it altogether OR would you just pretend that you agreed with the teaching and disregard your true feelings on the matter?" (In other words, would they LIE?)
The response was:
"If I truly believe that Jehovah is using this organization, then I would trust in their teachings." (In other words, they would lie.)
"Half the world is composed of idiots, the other half of people clever enough to take indecent advantage of them."
-Walter Kerr