Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 09-22-2013 WT Study (FEW FEED MANY)

by blondie 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    Comments You Will Not Hear at the 09-22-2013 WT Study (JULY 15, 2013, pages 15-19)(FEW FEED MANY)

    Review comments will be after dividing line

    WT material from today's WT will be in black

    w = Watchtower

    g = Awake

    jv = Proclaimers book


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    Key phrase this article:

    Jesus has fed thousands through the

    hands of a few—his disciples

    Pattern? A new word or concept or a word the WTS plucks out of the Bible and uses for its own interpretation? So who are the honesthearted ones? All jws or only the “governing body”? Where is this “learned” from reading and meditating on the scriptures or the words of the GB? They also talk about “prophetic patterns,” “shadows,” “types.”

    *** w02 9/15 p. 16 par. 6 Keep Practicing the Things You Have Learned ***

    Paul urged his coworker Timothy: “Keep holding the pattern of healthful words that you heard from me with the faith and love that are in connection with Christ Jesus.” (2 Timothy 1:13) What did Paul mean? The Greek word here rendered “pattern” literally refers to an artist’s sketch. Although not overly detailed, such a representation has well-defined boundaries so that a discerning viewer can perceive the overall picture. Similarly, the pattern of truth that Paul taught Timothy and others was not designed to give a specific answer to every conceivable question. Yet, this body of teaching provides sufficient guidance—an outline, as it were—so that honesthearted ones can perceive what Jehovah requires of them. To please God, of course, they would need to keep holding to that pattern of truth by practicing what they have learned.

    *** w02 9/15 pp. 16-17 par. 7 Keep Practicing the Things You Have Learned ***

    In the first century, such individuals as Hymenaeus, Alexander, and Philetus were advocating ideas that did not fit “the pattern of healthful words.” (1 Timothy 1:18-20; 2 Timothy 2:16, 17) How could the early Christians avoid being led astray by apostates? By carefully studying the inspired writings and applying them in life. Those walking in accord with the example they had in Paul and other faithful ones were able to recognize and reject anything that did not conform to the pattern of truth they had been taught. (Philippians 3:17; Hebrews 5:14) Instead of being “mentally diseased over questionings and debates about words,” they continued moving ahead in their positive course of godly devotion. (1 Timothy 6:3-6) We do the same thing when we keep on putting into practice the truths we have learned.

    Were only members of the GB feeding the faithful in the first century? Could women be prophetesses? How were their prophecies viewed?

    *** it-2 p. 698 Prophetess ***

    Prophesying was among the miraculous gifts of the spirit that were granted to the newly formed Christian congregation. Certain Christian women, such as Philip’s four virgin daughters, prophesied under the impulse of God’s holy spirit. (Ac 21:9; 1Co 12:4, 10) This was in fulfillment of Joel 2:28, 29, which foretold that “your sons and your daughters will certainly prophesy.” (Ac 2:14-18)

    *** w90 6/15 p. 22 par. 7 Boldly Proclaim Jehovah’s Kingdom! ***

    In Caesarea he and his companions stayed with Philip, whose four virgin daughters “prophesied,” foretelling events by holy spirit.

    Debates about words? “Coming” or “Arriving” in these group of articles in the July 15 WT, just debates about words? The WTS has debated for years that the term “coming” used by non-jw Christian groups really means “presence.”




    “After breaking

    the loaves, [Jesus]

    distributed them to

    the disciples, the disciples

    in turn to the

    crowds.”—MATT. 14:19.


    What pattern did Jesus follow

    when feeding the crowds?

    How did Jesus use the apostles

    and older men in Jerusalem?

    When was it time for Christ to

    appoint one organized channel

    to dispense spiritual food?


    1-3. Describe how Jesus fed a large crowd in the vicinity of

    Bethsaida. (See opening image.)

    IMAGINE the scene. (Read Matthew 14:14-21.) It is

    just before the Passover of 32 C.E. A crowd of some

    5,000 men, besides women and young children, are

    with Jesus and his disciples at a deserted place in the

    vicinity of Bethsaida, a village on the north shore of

    the Sea of Galilee.

    So women and children don’t count?

    2 Upon seeing the crowd, Jesus is moved with pity

    for the people, so he heals the sick among them and

    teaches them many things about God’s Kingdom.

    When it gets late, the disciples urge Jesus to dismiss

    the people so that they might go to nearby villages

    and buy some food for themselves. But Jesus

    tells his disciples: “You give them something to eat.”

    His words must seem puzzling to them, for the provisions

    at hand are meager at best—five loaves and

    two small fish.

    Is this pattern of literal feeding and healing not a pattern for Christians today per the WTS/GB?

    *** w86 10/1 pp. 22-23 “Love Your Neighbor”—What Is the Most Practical Way? ***

    Carl Bakal’s publication Charity U.S.A. cautions: “Where the cause is noble, how the money is spent is never questioned. I don’t want people to stop giving. I just thought questions should be answered because they were giving so blindly.” Obviously, giving blindly is unwise and can hardly be considered practical.

    Following the Example Set by Jesus

    These facts are regrettable, of course, but would they justify refusing to support such worthy causes? After all, did not Jesus heal the sick and miraculously feed the hungry, thereby setting a pattern for Christians today?

    It is true that Jesus was moved with pity when he saw people in need. Eight Bible texts mention this. Two refer to the people’s need for food (Matthew 15:32; Mark 8:2), three to their need for physical healing (Matthew 14:14; 20:34; Mark 1:41), and one to their need for comfort upon the death of loved ones. (Luke 7:13) But the other two texts refer to an even greater need. Matthew 9:36 says: “On seeing the crowds he felt pity for them, because they were skinned and thrown about like sheep without a shepherd.” And Mark 6:34 reports: “He saw a great crowd, but he was moved with pity for them, because they were as sheep without a shepherd. And he started to teach them many things.”

    In fact, even though pity for the people prompted Jesus to care for them in a physical way, his chief interest was in offering them the spiritual help their religious leaders had failed to provide. (See Matthew, chapter 23.) Jesus was “the fine shepherd,” one willing to surrender “his soul in behalf of the sheep.” (John 10:11) Because he gave this preaching activity—not engaging in social work or building hospitals or running relief agencies—top priority in life, he was later able to tell Pilate: “For this I have been born, and for this I have come into the world, that I should bear witness to the truth.”—John 18:37.

    Although Jesus bestowed upon his apostles the ability to perform miraculous good works of healing, he made no mention of this when issuing his final instructions to them before ascending into heaven. Instead, he commanded: “Go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit, teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you.” Obviously, then, the more important work was to “make disciples . . . baptizing them . . . teaching them.”—Matthew 28:19, 20.

    3 Moved by compassion, Jesus performs a miracle

    —the only miracle that is recorded by all four Gospel

    writers. (Mark 6:35-44; Luke 9:10-17; John 6:1-13) Jesus

    has his disciples tell the crowd to recline on the

    green grass in groups of 50 and of 100. After saying

    a blessing, he begins breaking the bread and dividing

    up the fish. Then, rather than giving the food to

    the people directly, Jesus distributes it “to the disciples,

    the disciples in turn to the crowds.” Miraculously,

    there is more than enough for everyone to

    eat! Just think: Jesus has fed thousands through the

    hands of a few—his disciples.[1]

    So didn’t Jesus realize that hungry, sick people would find it hard to listen to his words?

    For years the WTS expected people to contribute for their publications, people who were poor and barely had food to eat. When the “donation” arrangement was implemented in poor countries, the jws there were so grateful because each family member could have personal copies.

    *** yb01 pp. 18-19 Highlights of the Past Year ***

    The voluntary donation arrangement is explained to people, but no charge is made for the literature. As of January 2000, that arrangement was extended to all lands where it was not already in operation. The Central African Republic branch wrote: “This means that anyone, no matter what his or her financial situation may be, can have the necessary printed material to become a disciple of Christ. This arrangement has been greatly appreciated by both the publishers and the public.” Indonesia said: “Accordingly, the brothers looked for those interested in reading our publications more than those who could afford the printing cost.” The South Africa branch reports: “Magazine production has more than doubled, with some languages increasing more than fourfold! . . . All of this indicates that more ‘seeds’ of truth are being sown now than ever before.—Matt. 13:3-8.”

    4. (a) Jesus was even more concerned about providing what

    kind of food, and why? (b)What will we discuss in this study

    article and in the next one?

    4 Jesus was even more concerned about providing

    spiritual food to his followers. He knew that taking

    in spiritual food, the truths found in God’s Word,

    leads to everlasting life. (John 6:26, 27; 17:3) Moved

    by the same compassion that impelled

    him to feed bread and fish to the crowds,

    Jesus spent many hours personally

    teaching his followers. (Mark 6:34) But

    he was aware that his time on earth

    would be short and that he would return

    to heaven. (Matt. 16:21; John 14:

    12) How would the heavenly Jesus keep

    his followers on earth well-fed spiritually?

    He would follow a similar pattern—he

    would feed many through the hands of

    a few. Who, though, would be the few?

    Let us see how Jesus used a few to feed

    his many first-century anointed followers.

    Then, in the next article, we will discuss

    this question of vital importance to

    each one of us: How can we identify the

    few through whom Christ feeds us today?

    Was Jesus more concerned about spiritual food…even today education experts understand the need to have literal food in your stomach to be able to learn.

    It is the truths in GOD’S WORD that lead to everlasting life, not the words in the WTS publications from the GB. The WTS/GB admits they are neither inspired or infallible. Why settle for second best?

    PICTURE: Thousands were fed through

    the hands of a few

    (See paragraph 4)


    5, 6. (a) What weighty decision did Jesus

    make in order to ensure that his followers

    would be well-fed spiritually after his death?

    (b) How did Jesus prepare his apostles for taking

    on a key role after his death?

    5 A responsible family head makes arrangements

    so that his family will be

    cared for in the event of his death. Similarly,

    Jesus—who would become Head

    of the Christian congregation—made arrangements

    to ensure that his followers

    would be cared for spiritually after

    his death. (Eph. 1:22) For example, about

    two years before he died, Jesus made a

    weighty decision. He selected the first

    of the few through whom he would

    later feed the many. Consider what happened.

    So is the WTS suggesting that jws get life insurance? Isn’t that showing a lack of trust in God, as some jws would tell me?

    Who were the “few”? The 11 apostles, but how does James the brother of Jesus fit in Acts? He was not an apostle yet he seemed to be chairing the group deciding about circumcision for Gentiles and wrote a bible book.

    *** w09 9/1 p. 18 Did You Know? ***

    James later became a prominent member of the Jerusalem congregation and wrote the Bible book bearing his name.—Acts 12:17; James 1:1.

    6 After praying all night, Jesus gathered

    his disciples and from among them

    chose 12 apostles. (Luke 6:12-16) For the

    next two years, he was especially close

    to the 12, teaching them both by word

    and by example. He knew that they had

    much to learn; in fact, they continued to

    be called “disciples.” (Matt. 11:1; 20:17)

    He gave them valuable personal counsel

    and extensive training in the ministry.

    (Matt. 10:1-42; 20:20-23; Luke 8:1; 9:52-

    55) He was evidently preparing them for

    a key role after his death and return to


    What do elders in the WT congregations teach by example? Does it match what they say? Do the elders counsel and train each other? What key role did some of the apostles take, the ones that were not heard of after the Gospel and Acts? Andrew, Thomas, Matthias, Nathanael, etc. What were they doing?

    *** it-1 p. 105 Andrew ***

    The final mention of Andrew by name is shortly after Jesus’ ascension.—Ac 1:13.

    7. How did Jesus provide a clue about what

    would be the primary concern of the apostles?

    7 What would be the role of the apostles?

    As Pentecost 33 C.E. drew near, it

    was clear that the apostles would serve

    in an “office of oversight.” (Acts 1:20)

    What, though, would be their primary

    concern? Following his resurrection, Jesus

    provided a clue in a conversation

    he had with the apostle Peter. (Read

    John 21:1, 2, 15-17.) In the presence of

    some of the other apostles, Jesus told Peter:

    “Feed my little sheep.” Jesus thereby

    indicated that his apostles would be

    among the few through whom he would

    provide spiritual food to the many. What

    a touching and telling indication of how

    Jesus feels about his “little sheep”![2]

    So what were the apostles doing that disappear from the bible account? Why was a non-apostle chairing the group in Acts 15 although all the apostles were not dead yet?



    8. How did new believers at Pentecost show

    that they clearly recognized the channel that

    Christ was using?

    8 Starting at Pentecost 33 C.E., the resurrected

    Christ used his apostles as the

    channel through which he fed the rest

    of his anointed disciples. (Read Acts 2:

    41, 42.) That channel was clearly recognized

    by the Jews and proselytes who became

    spirit-anointed Christians that day.

    Unhesitatingly, they “continued devoting

    themselves to the teaching of the

    apostles.” According to one scholar, the

    Greek verb rendered “continued devoting

    themselves” can mean having “a

    steadfast and single-minded fidelity to a

    certain course of action.” The new believers

    had a deep hunger for spiritual

    food, and they knew exactly where to get

    it. With unwavering loyalty, they looked

    to the apostles to explain the words and

    deeds of Jesus and to shed fresh light on

    the meaning of the scriptures pertaining

    to him.[3]—Acts 2:22-36.

    So why does the WTS not name the scholar, source, and credentials using neither footnote or endnote? The WTS does reference the commentary 11 times by name on the WT-CD, so why change?

    Expositor’s Bible Commentary (Luke-Acts) Richard N. Longenecker

    9. How did the apostles show that they kept

    their responsibility to feed Jesus’ sheep clearly

    in focus?

    9 The apostles kept their responsibility

    to feed Jesus’ sheep clearly in focus.

    For example, notice how they handled

    a sensitive and potentially divisive issue

    that arose in the newly formed congregation.

    Ironically, the matter involved food

    —material food. Greek-speaking widows

    were being overlooked in the daily food

    distribution, but Hebrew-speaking widows were

    not being overlooked. How did

    the apostles resolve this delicate issue?

    “The twelve” appointed seven qualified

    brothers to oversee the “necessary business,”

    the food distribution. The apostles—

    most of whom had no doubt shared

    in distributing food to the crowds whom

    Jesus had miraculously fed—saw that it

    was more important for them to focus

    on spiritual feeding. Thus, they devoted

    themselves to “the ministry of the word.”

    —Acts 6:1-6.

    Were Paul, Jude, James, Luke apostles?

    How many of the GB participate in door to door? Did Rutherford or Russell do so? Is speaking from the platform what Jesus meant his followers should do to make disciples? Did Jesus think himself below doing a servant’s work, washing the feet of his disciples?

    10. How did Christ use the apostles and older

    men in Jerusalem?

    10 By 49 C.E., the surviving apostles

    had been joined by certain other qualified

    elders.(Read Acts 15:1, 2.) “The

    apostles and older men in Jerusalem”

    served as a governing body. As the

    Head of the congregation, Christ used

    this small group of qualified men to settle

    doctrinal issues and to oversee and

    direct the preaching and teaching of

    the Kingdom good news.—Acts 15:6-29;

    21:17-19; Col. 1:18.

    Were these elders required to be anointed? Oh, yes, all Christians were anointed. Until 1937 all elders had to be anointed in the WTS.

    *** w58 1/15 p. 50 pars. 32-33 Overseers in Apocalyptic Times ***

    It was first some years after the Right Shepherd Jesus Christ began gathering his “other sheep” that some of these, according to the needs of the situation, were put in positions of overseer by the “faithful and discreet slave” class. It was first in the year 1937, in the May 1 issue of The Watchtower (page 130), that the following notice was published:

    33 “COMPANY SERVANT – Proclamation of the kingdom message is all-important now. It is the duty of the anointed to vote as to who shall be company servant; but ‘hewers of wood and drawers of water’ (Josh. 9:21-27) may serve. (Deut. 16:12-15; 29:11) When there are none in the company capable of filling the places of company servants or service committees and there are Jonadabs who have the ability and zeal, let the Jonadabs be placed on the service committee and give them opportunity to serve. The work should not drag because some of the company have lack of zeal. The gospel must now be proclaimed.—Matt. 24:14.”

    And how does the “holy spirit” guide the GB or an elder body? Prayer, reading the scriptures and using them as guidance.

    Don’t we have the same avenues?

    *** lv chap. 4 p. 43 par. 16 Why Respect Authority? ***

    Elders are appointed by holy spirit. (Acts 20:28) How so? In that such men must first meet the qualifications recorded in God’s spirit-inspired Word. (1 Timothy 3:1-7, 12; Titus 1:5-9) Further, the elders who evaluate a brother’s qualifications pray earnestly for the guidance of Jehovah’s holy spirit.

    11, 12. (a) What shows that Jehovah blessed

    the arrangement by means of which his Son

    fed the first-century congregations? (b) How

    was the channel that Christ used for spiritual

    feeding clearly recognizable?

    11 Did Jehovah bless the arrangement

    by means of which his Son fed the first century

    congregations? Most definitely!

    How can we be sure? The book of Acts

    gives us this report: “Now as they [the

    apostle Paul and his traveling companions]

    traveled on through the cities they

    would deliver to those there for observance

    the decrees that had been decided

    upon by the apostles and older men who

    were in Jerusalem. Therefore, indeed,

    the congregations continued to be made

    firm in the faith and to increase in number

    from day to day.” (Acts 16:4, 5) Notice

    that those congregations prospered

    as a result of their loyal cooperation with

    the governing body in Jerusalem. Is that

    not proof of Jehovah’s blessing on the arrangement

    by means of which his Son

    fed the congregations? Let us remember

    that spiritual prosperity is possible only

    with Jehovah’s rich blessing.—Prov. 10:

    22; 1 Cor. 3:6, 7.

    Has God blessed today’s WTS arrangement? What about all the “adjustments” and “clarifications” and even 360 degree flipflops in their doctrine?

    The vast majority of the Jews of Jesus’ day stayed loyal to the Jewish system…did that prove that system had God’s blessing? Many groups have larger numbers and are growing, such as the Mormons (LDS), is that proof of God’s backing per the WTS?

    *** dx86-12 Dates (Calendar) ***

    Clarification of Beliefs

    1872, ransom: jv 718

    1880, hell: w89 3/15 19-20

    1881, Jehovah: jv 123

    soul: jv 127; w87 9/15 29

    why evil is permitted: jv 123

    1882, Trinity: jv 123, 125; w89 3/15 18-19; w87 9/15 29

    1884, “other sheep” (Joh 10:16): w95 2/1 11

    “sheep” and “goats” (Mt 25): w95 2/1 12

    1886, “superior authorities” (Ro 13): w96 5/1 13

    1907, covenants: jv 630

    1917, Revelation: w95 5/15 21; jv 148

    1920, ‘good news of kingdom’ is of established Kingdom: w06 2/1 25

    time of fulfillment of Matthew 24:14: jv 292

    1922, Jehovah and his messenger of the covenant inspect spiritual temple (Mal 3:1-3): w87 6/15 14

    1923, “sheep” and “goats” (Mt 25): re 120; ip-2 254; w95 2/1 12; w95 5/15 18; jv 163-164; w86 5/15 14

    1925, Armageddon: jv 140

    birth of Kingdom: w06 2/15 28-29; re 177; w95 5/15 21; jv 78-79, 138-139; w86 5/15 14

    Jehovah’s and Satan’s organizations: w06 2/15 28-29; jv 78-79; w87 6/15 19

    1926, Armageddon: w95 5/15 18; jv 140-141

    character development: jv 172-173

    1927, “faithful and discreet slave” (Mt 24:45-47): w95 2/1 12-13; jv 143, 626

    1928, Christmas: w95 5/15 19; jv 199

    ‘good news of kingdom’ not preached by Bible distribution: w06 2/1 24-25

    Great Pyramid of Giza (Gizeh): w00 1/1 9-10

    1929, “superior authorities” (Ro 13): w96 5/1 13-14; w95 5/15 22

    1930, Revelation: w95 5/15 21; jv 148

    1931, those marked on forehead (Eze 9:4): re 120; ip-2 254-255; jv 165

    1932, appointment of elders: w95 5/15 22; jv 213-214, 638

    Jehonadab (Jonadab) class: re 120; ip-2 255; w95 2/1 13; jv 83, 165-166

    “other sheep” to preach: w10 2/15 16; w95 2/1 13; w95 7/1 15; jv 292; w90 12/15 13

    restoration prophecies: w95 5/15 19-20; jv 141-142; w86 5/15 14

    1934, covenants: jv 630

    dedication and baptism for “other sheep”: w09 8/15 16; re 120; w95 7/1 15; jv 83; w90 12/15 13

    1935, chronology: jv 632-633

    flag salute: w06 2/15 29

    “great crowd” (Re 7): w06 2/15 29; re 120, 122; w01 5/15 14-15; ip-2 255; w95 2/1 13-15; w95 5/15 20; jv 83-84, 166-167, 169-170, 261, 443-444; sh 358; w88 3/1 12; w86 5/15 14

    1936, cross: w06 2/15 29; w95 5/15 20

    1937, “other sheep” appointed to responsible positions: jv 216

    1938, congregation organization and appointments: w06 2/15 28; w02 7/1 17; ip-2 317; w99 2/1 18; w95 5/15 22; jv 217-221, 639

    no separate meetings for children and youths: jv 246

    relative places of anointed and “great crowd”: w99 2/1 18

    1939, neutrality: w95 5/15 23; jv 193; w89 3/15 21; w86 5/15 14

    1941, issue of rightfulness of Jehovah’s sovereignty: jv 262; w89 3/15 21; w87 6/15 19

    1942, beast ascending from abyss (Re 17:8): re 246-248; jv 93, 262; w88 3/1 15

    1943, chronology: jv 133, 632-633

    1944, chronology: jv 133, 632-633

    congregational handling of wrongdoing: jv 187

    Governing Body: jv 228-229

    theocratic principles in relation to Society’s charter: jv 227-229

    1945, sanctity of blood: w06 2/15 29; w95 5/15 23; jv 183; w89 3/15 14

    1947, polygamy: w95 2/1 16; jv 176

    1950, princes (Ps 45:16): w95 7/1 15; jv 76, 263

    term “religion”: jv 567

    1952, disfellowshipping: w06 5/15 24-25; jv 187

    1953, desirable things of the nations (Hag 2:7): jv 263

    Gog of Magog (Eze 38, 39): jv 263

    nucleus of new earth: w95 7/1 15

    1961, sanctity of blood: jv 183-184

    1962, “superior authorities” (Ro 13): w06 2/15 29-30; g00 10/22 21-23; w96 5/1 14; w95 5/15 21-22; jv 147, 198, 264; w90 11/1 11; w87 6/15 19; g87 6/8 25; w86 5/15 14

    1963, Babylon the Great: jv 147-148

    Revelation: w95 5/15 21; jv 148

    1965, earthly resurrection: w86 5/15 14

    1966, denarius paid to vineyard workers (Mt 20): w07 5/1 30

    1969, great tribulation: w99 5/1 16; w94 2/15 17-18

    Revelation: w95 5/15 21; jv 148

    1971, elder arrangement: w95 5/15 22; jv 106, 233

    Governing Body: jv 106-107, 233-234; w90 3/15 18

    1972, appointment of elders and ministerial servants: w06 5/15 24

    Jehovah’s great spiritual temple: w10 7/15 22; w00 3/15 13-14

    1973, tobacco: w06 2/15 30; yb97 136-137; w95 2/1 16-17; w95 5/15 23; jv 181

    1976, employment involving gambling: w95 5/15 23; jv 180

    1979, “keys of the kingdom” (Mt 16:19): w95 5/15 24

    1983, use of firearms: w06 2/15 30

    1984, sheepfolds of “fine shepherd” (Joh 10): w95 5/15 24

    1985, “other sheep” declared righteous as friends of God: w06 2/15 30; w95 7/1 15

    1986, “great crowd” figuratively partake of Jesus’ flesh and blood (Joh 6:51-56): w87 6/15 19; w86 2/15 15-20, 30-31

    “ten virgins” (Mt 25): ws 38-44, 46-55

    1987, Christian Jubilee: w06 2/15 30; w95 5/15 24; w87 1/1 19-28, 30; w87 4/15 30

    Declaration Pledging Faithfulness: w87 2/15 31

    1988, approved associates: w88 11/15 10-15, 17

    figurative heart: it-1 1057-1058

    no resurrection for dead in Sodom and Gomorrah: w88 6/1 30-31

    Revelation: w95 5/15 21; jv 148

    unbaptized publishers: w89 2/15 29; w88 11/15 16-20

    1991, meaning of Proverbs 27:23: w91 8/1 31

    1992, Nethinim and sons of the servants of Solomon after exile: w92 4/15 12-17, 31

    1993, kings of north and south during time of the end (Da 11, 12): w93 11/1 13-23

    start and end of 1,260 days (Re 11:3) and time, times, and a half (Da 7:25; 12:7): w94 8/1 31; w93 11/1 9-10

    1994, tribulation and celestial phenomena (Mt 24:29-31; Mr 13:24-27; Lu 21:25-28): w94 2/15 16-21

    1995, “sheep” and “goats” (Mt 25): w06 2/15 30; w97 7/1 30-31; w95 10/15 18-28

    “this generation” (Mt 24:34; Mr 13:30; Lu 21:32): w97 6/1 28; w95 11/1 10-21, 30-31

    1996, acceptability of customary (tribal) marriage: g96 12/8 23

    civilian service in lieu of military service: yb97 16; w96 5/1 19-20

    “flesh” saved through “great tribulation” (Mt 24:22): w96 8/15 15-20

    1997, transfiguration vision (Mt 17; Mr 9; Lu 9): w97 5/15 9-14

    1998, duration of new covenant (Heb 13:20): w98 2/1 22-23

    Ezekiel’s vision of restored temple and land (Eze 40-48): w06 2/15 30; w00 3/15 13-14; w99 1/15 9; w99 3/1 8-23

    nations blessed through Abraham’s seed (Ge 22:18): w98 2/1 14-15

    1999, ‘disgusting thing standing in a holy place’ (Mt 24:15; Mr 13:14): w06 2/15 30; w99 5/1 15-20

    2000, blood fractions: w00 6/15 29-31

    use of one’s own blood: w00 10/15 30-31; w00 12/15 30

    2001, “divorce certificate” for Judah (Isa 50:1): ip-2 152-153

    ‘doves to birdhouse holes’ (Isa 60:8, 9): w02 7/1 12-13; ip-2 308-309

    worshipping Jehovah “with spirit” (Joh 4:24): w06 2/15 30; w02 7/15 15; w01 9/15 28

    2002, courtyard in which “great crowd” serve (Re 7:15): w02 5/1 30-31

    2003, meaning of baptism of Jewish believers at Pentecost 33 C.E.: w03 5/15 30-31

    why some early Christians observed features of the Law: w03 3/15 23-25

    2007, start of heavenly resurrection: w07 1/1 27-30

    when calling to heavenly hope ceases: w07 5/1 30-31; w07 8/15 19

    2008, illustration of dragnet (Mt 13): w08 7/15 20-21

    illustration of leaven hidden in flour (Mt 13; Lu 13): w08 7/15 19-21

    illustration of man casting seed (Mr 4:26-29): w08 7/15 14-16

    illustration of mustard grain (Mt 13; Mr 4; Lu 13): w08 7/15 17-19, 21

    Mary’s pain during Jesus’ birth: w08 10/1 23

    “this generation” (Mt 24:34; Mr 13:30; Lu 21:32): w10 4/15 10-11; w08 2/15 23-24; w08 4/15 29

    2009, resurrection hope for baby dying in womb: w09 4/15 12-13

    2011, entering Jehovah’s rest (Heb 4): w11 7/15 24-28

    Jesus “a corresponding ransom” (1Ti 2:6): w11 6/15 13; w11 8/15 32

    olive tree (Ro 11): w11 5/15 23-25

    Peter in Rome: w11 8/1 25

    2012, “all these kingdoms” (Da 2:44): w12 6/15 17

    feet of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream image (Da 2): w12 6/15 15-16, 19

    Mordecai and Esther “divide spoil” in fulfillment of Genesis 49:27: w12 1/1 29

    ruin caused by “king fierce in countenance” (Da 8:23, 24): w12 6/15 16

    toes of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream image (Da 2): w12 6/15 16

    when seventh world power emerged: w12 6/15 15, 19

    12 Thus far we have seen that Jesus

    followed a pattern when feeding his followers:

    He fed many through the hands

    of a few. The channel he used for spiritual

    feeding was clearly recognizable.

    After all, the apostles—the original

    members of the governing body—could

    provide visible proof of heavenly backing.

    Through the hands of the apostles

    many signs and portents continued

    to occur among the people,” states Acts

    5:12.[4] Hence, there was no reason for

    those who became Christians to wonder,

    ‘Who really are the ones through whom

    Christ is feeding his sheep?’ But by the

    end of the first century, the situation


    What was that visible proof that the apostles provided? Miracles by holy spirit…what miracles as the WTS provided?



    13, 14. (a) What warning did Jesus give about

    an attack, and when did his words begin to

    come true? (b) From what two quarters would

    the attack come? (See endnote.)

    13 Jesus foretold that the Christian

    congregation would come under attack.

    Remember, in his prophetic illustration

    of the wheat and the weeds, Jesus

    warned that a newly planted field

    of wheat (anointed Christians) would be

    oversown with weeds (imitation Christians).

    The groups, he said, would be allowed

    to grow side by side—undisturbed

    until the harvest, which would come

    at “a conclusion of a system of things.”

    (Matt.13:24-30, 36-43) It was not long before

    Jesus’ words began to come true.[5]

    Is the WTS the only group under attack? Read this website and see how many others there are:

    14 The apostasy made some inroads

    in the first century, but Jesus’ faithful

    apostles acted “as a restraint,” holding

    back the contamination and influence of

    false teachings. (2 Thess. 2:3, 6, 7) However,

    once the last of the apostles died,

    the apostasy took root and flourished

    during a long growing season that lasted

    for many centuries. Additionally, during

    that time, the weeds became many

    and the blades of wheat were few. There

    was no consistent, organized channel

    for dispensing spiritual food. That would

    eventually change. But the question is,


    100 years of noncontamination the WTS says? 1800 years of contamination from 100 to 1879 or more.

    No consistent, organized channel….what about the Waldenses or Albigneses or the Protestant Reformation? Was the WTS clean of bad teaching even after 1919, birthdays, Christmas, cross, pyramid chronology, 1874 presence of Christ, etc.?



    15, 16. The Bible Students’ diligent study of

    the Scriptures yielded what results, and what

    question arises?

    15 As the end of the growing season

    neared, there were strong stirrings of interest

    in Bible truth. Recall that in the

    1870’s, a small group of sincere truthseekers

    got together and formed Bible

    classes apart from the weeds—imitation

    Christians within the churches and sects

    of Christendom. With humble hearts

    and open minds, those sincere Bible Students,

    as they called themselves, made a

    careful and prayerful search of the Scriptures.—

    Matt. 11:25.

    Why the 1870’s…because they believed that Christ’s presence began in 1874, he became king in 1878, that the heavenly calling ended in 1881, and that Armageddon would begin in 1914. The Bible Students were started by Charles Taze Russell and Jehovah’s Witnesses in 1931 by Joseph Rutherford.

    Note again that the WTS avoided saying “Bible Students, now known as Jehovah’s Witnesses.”

    *** w12 11/15 p. 31 ‘It Was the Best Message Ever Heard’ ***

    By 1926, the Bible Students (as Jehovah’s Witnesses were then called) were operating their own radio stations in four Canadian cities.

    16 The Bible Students’ diligent study

    of the Scriptures yielded rich results.

    Those loyal men and women exposed

    false doctrines and spread spiritual

    truths, publishing and distributing Bible

    literature far and wide. Their work won

    the hearts and convinced the minds of

    many who were hungering and thirsting

    for spiritual truth. An intriguing question

    therefore arises: Were the Bible Students

    in the years that led up to 1914 the

    appointed channel through which Christ

    would feed his sheep? No. They were

    still in the growing season, and the arrangement

    for a channel to provide spiritual

    food was still taking shape. The time

    had not yet come for the weedlike imitation

    Christians to be separated from the

    true Christian wheat.

    Were there prepared questions for the books the Bible Students studied? How structured was it? I was told by my grandparents, Bible Students in the 1920’s, that sometimes only 3 paragraphs were discussed at one meeting. Did they search the scriptures or the WT books?

    So who was feeding them and what?

    17. What important developments began to

    unfold in 1914?

    17 As we learned in the preceding article,

    the harvest season began in 1914.

    In that year, a number of important developments

    began to unfold. Jesus was

    enthroned as King, and the last days began.

    (Rev. 11:15) From 1914 to the early

    part of 1919, Jesus accompanied his Father

    to the spiritual temple to do a much needed

    inspection and cleansing work.[6]

    (Mal. 3:1-4) Then, starting in 1919, it was

    time to begin gathering the wheat. Was

    it finally the time for Christ to appoint

    one organized channel to dispense spiritual

    food? Yes, indeed!

    The WTS taught that the Harvest season began in 1874 and would end in 1914 with the anointed all going to heaven and the beginning of Armaggedon. That had to be adjusted when the end did not come then.

    What was the WTS teaching in 1919: use of the cross (on the cover of the WT), celebration of birthdays and Christmas, still teaching that the presence of Christ was in 1874, use of pyramids to determine Bible chronology….all considered contamination by false religion. Were they clean in God’s eyes?

    18. Jesus foretold that he would make what appointment,

    and what was the critical question

    as the last days got under way?

    18 In his prophecy about the time of

    the end, Jesus foretold that he would

    appoint a channel to give out spiritual

    “food at the proper time.” (Matt. 24:45-

    47) Which channel would he use? True

    to the pattern he set in the first century,

    Jesus would once again feed many

    through the hands of a few. But as the

    last days were just getting under way,

    the critical question was, Who will be

    the few? That and other questions about

    Jesus’ prophecy will be discussed in the

    next article.

    Patterns today?

    What happens when qualified anointed men become scarce? Will the WTS appoint non-anointed men to take their place as they did in 1937?


    (To be read as footnotes with the corresponding


    Paragraph 3: [1] On a later occasion,

    when Jesus miraculously fed 4,000 men,

    besides women and children, he again

    gave the food “to the disciples, the disciples

    in turn to the crowds.”—Matt. 15:32-38.

    (Blondie: why weren’t the women and children counted? Why is that pattern not used in counting people in attendance at meetings, assemblies, and conventions?)

    Paragraph 7: [2] During Peter’s lifetime,

    the “little sheep” who would be fed all

    cherished the heavenly hope.

    Paragraph 8: [3] The fact that new believers

    “continued devoting themselves to the

    teaching of the apostles” implies that the

    apostles were teaching on a regular basis.

    Some of the apostles’ teaching was permanently

    recorded in the inspired books

    that are now part of the Christian Greek

    Scriptures. (Blondie: Was Jude an apostle, was Paul an apostle, was Luke an apostle?

    Paragraph 12: [4] While others besides

    the apostles received miraculous gifts of

    the spirit, it seems that in most cases, the

    miraculous gifts were passed on to others

    directly by or in the presence of an apostle.—

    Acts 8:14-18; 10:44, 45.

    Paragraph 13: [5] The apostle Paul’s

    words found at Acts 20:29, 30 show that

    the congregation would be attacked from

    two quarters. First, imitation Christians

    (“weeds”) would “enter in among” true

    Christians. Second, “from among” true

    Christians, some would become apostates,

    speaking “twisted things.”

    Paragraph 17: [6] See the article “Look! I

    Am With You All the Days,” in this issue,

    page 11, paragraph 6.


    Sorry this is late…my health has taken a dip. Could it be all the bs the last few weeks. I have empathy to those who have to attend the meetings.

    Were the Bible Students

    in the years that led up to 1914 the

    appointed channel through which Christ

    would feed his sheep? No. They were

    still in the growing season, and the arrangement

    for a channel to provide spiritual

    food was still taking shape.

    Then, starting in 1919, it was

    time to begin gathering the wheat. Was

    it finally the time for Christ to appoint

    one organized channel to dispense spiritual

    food? Yes, indeed!


    (Clue no WTS members before 1914)

    Love, Blondie

  • TotallyADD

    Hope you get feeling better. Good Job. I enjoy going over your research. Thank you for your hard work. Totally ADD

  • Gorbatchov

    Thanks Blondie . It must be hard to study this. I can't stand new light these days. Headache. Gorby

  • piztjw

    Haven't read any of the comments yet...just wondering in advance how many times complaints about David, or women not being "elders" will be here?

    Some things get old.

  • wasblind

    Thank you Blondie,

    Hope you feel well soon

  • exwhyzee

    Sorry to interupt this post.

    I'm unable to post a new topic for some reason. The "New Topic" button hasn't been showing up on my side of things for some time. I've tried logging onto the site using Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari and have tried accessing it on other computers. I can log in and post comments but can't seem to find the "New Topic" button and I have so many facinating things to talk about (not) LOL ! . Simon hasn't responded to my email or my private message to him about this. Is anyone else having trouble with this or have I maybe been blocked for some reason?

    Thanks exwhyzee.

  • 3rdgen

    EXYZ, click on to the home page and pick a catagory. Then you can start a post

  • blondie
    Haven't read any of the comments yet...just wondering in advance how many times complaints about David, or women not being "elders" will be here?
    Some things get old.

    pitzjw, if you actually read the articles you would realize that I comment only on what the WTS says. So if it is getting old, that's because the WTS needs to sing a new song. Remember that for some it is the first time reading that comment about the WTS line. If it is old, why not contribute something new yourself. At least I don't force people to attend the meetings and read what I say. It's voluntary. Blondie

  • Sapphy

    Thanks Bondie, especially for the list of "clarifications" of belief. Much appreciated.

    piztjw - Anything constructive to add?

  • rubbeng

    Thanks! ;)

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