Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 09-22-2013 WT Study (FEW FEED MANY)

by blondie 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    Thank you so much Blondie.

    (((Hugs of understanding and support... How is your knee, leg doing?)))

    If Jesus fed 4,000... How many more did he feed if the women and children were included?

    One wife, 5 kids? One, 2 or 3 servants that came along to help? Who watered and fed their animals? Did they bring water and feed for their animals? What

    mom goes out, without bringing food and drink for her children at least?

    Would the wives and children even have been invited to come or told to stay home and look after the animals?

    Fun times, not.


  • exwhyzee

    Thanks 3rd Gen....I found it .

    Thanks for your insights on all this, Blondie.

  • Quarterback

    Good research, Blondie.

    Now get some scotch in ya. It's medicinal.

  • losingit

    Thank youBlondie! Much appreciated!

    I prefer tequila for its medicinal purposes

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Top discussion, Blondie!

    I notice how they refer to a first century gb. So there was w 1st c gb but they weren't the fds? Okayyyyyy...

    And the word 'channel': like organization, governing body and other jw terms, the word channel is never used in the bible...

  • grumblecakes

    Blondie-excellent response to piztjw!

    Get well soon.

    Damn, i gotta head out to this weeks craptastic meeting (heavy sigh) in 7 minutes. Wish me luck!

  • Faithful Witness
    Faithful Witness

    Wow, very thorough. Thanks.

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    That long list of WT clarifications over the years is pathetic!

    And then there are the countless clarifications in this (July 15, 2013 Watchtower) magazine. One clarification in particular appears in next week's lesson and has to do with the 'evil slave' on page 24.

    For many years WT has said that the 'evil slave' of Mat 24:48 was a real threat. Now they are saying that the 'evil slave' is a hypothetical condition, a warning by Jesus if you will, that more than likely will never surface.

    The Governing Body of Jehovh's Witnesses.......what nitwits!

    Blondie, thank you for all you do.'re good!

  • BluePill2

    Let me recap:

    "invisible Jesus" check

    "invisible evil slave" check

    "invisible help from J'" check

    Conclusion: then people should start to donate invisible money too!

  • nonjwspouse

    First off, Blondie, I adsmire the heck outof you for all the giving you do for all of us who read your posts. I look forward to it each week.

    That said, I challange others who have been invlolved long enough to catch the inconsistancies, and have a good research background, to do the same. Of course each would be different, but that is the beauty of it. Each different view is a valuable one.

    This is considerable word, but it is very valuable word for everyone here on the board who use this information to prepare themselves for what might be coming at them next. Or to open eyes on some of the twisted wording they use that might have slipped by the heavily indoctrinated mind.

    I hope Blondie continue posting for many years to come. But I also hope others will take her lead and create even more of a valuable array of viewpoints to ponder on and discuss.

    ( I feel I must at this point apologise to those readdsing my very mispelled postings. My other laptop died, and I have started using my fathers laptop wivh should make no difference, but, I never learned to type correctly anf his keys have glow in the dark large stickers on them that have almost all worn off, so I can't see the identrity of most of the keys. I am trying to force myself to finally learn keyboarding, and you fine people get to see the corrected results. Yes all those mistakes I make are after I read too fast though, thought I caught and corrected all the mistakes!!)

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