Eve made our periods painful

by rebel8 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • rebel8

    I was just remembering this teaching--that a mythical woman ate a piece of fruit 1000s of years ago after a snake told her to, and that's the reason we have menstrual pain.

    You see, the Bible says Eve was cursed for her sin with painful childbirth. Hence we can make up extrapolate that this includes menstruation, which is just part of childbearing. Then we can make up extrapolate that this applies to all females in the entire human race today, because according to a loving god we should all share in her sin as we all have vaginas too.

    I remember crying in total agony while I was insulted comforted by having this scripture and explanation read aloud to me, and thinking how much this knowledge drew me closer to jehovah made me realize what a misogynistic wackadoodle cult this was.

    Thor causing thunder is more plausible than this.

    If dubs take Midol, does that mean they are scoring Jehovah's lesson?

  • BackseatDevil

    I'm a gay male. I did not need to read ANY of this. As a result... I'm about 20% MORE gay than I was before reading this.

    HOWEVER, I will say that when I was younger I didn't understand any of this. It seemed random. Adam and Eve were made to toil the fields... so why were blisters on the feet a 'curse' or callous hands used for any meaning?

    Further more, I thought that using epidural anaesthesia was pretty much saying FU to god while having a C-section was completely CHEATING. The nerve of some women. And it wasn't until much later I realized that it is all just like the story of the rainbow... a tale used to explain why something is. And as far as the bible is concerned, they were just property anyway.

    Honestly the bible is really awful to women, starting with the vagina and working its way out.

    Now, just to balance... all this out, I will leave you with this (Sassy Gay Friend meets Eve):


  • jam

    One thing we can be sure of, God is definitely not a woman.

    If he was a she, babies would come from a vending machine, all

    women would have the same size breasts, all menstrual cycles would

    be replaced with a 5-8 day vacation in Hawaii, men would inherit the

    menstrual cycle and Viagra would become a over the counter drug.

  • grumblecakes

    Seriously, this and the whole "inherited sin" & "breadpan" analogy never made any freaking sense to me. Punish everyone for something one person did! Ummm, "perfect in justice"? "Perfect in love"?....wha?

  • Slidin Fast
    Slidin Fast

    In the UK periods are still often referred to as "the curse". I think the bible's attitude to women has made me into an under-cover male feminist.

  • clarity

    Well so much for being created perfect. So much for fair play.


    Eve didn't just get pain as a punishment ...... she was created to have pain

    as a woman producing the babies! The scripture shows this ............................

    "I shall I N C R E A S E the pain of your pregnancy................."

    gee thanks!


  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    I wondered how women would have kids in the new system, hearing that it would be painless and quick like animals. But human physiology just makes that impossible because the size the baby's head needs to be due to human brain size. The human baby is underdeveloped at birth compared to other mammals, eg think of horses whose babies can run an hour after birth and monkeys which can hang onto mum as soon as they're born. The human baby has a big head which is why mother hurts. Unless that were changed or women's hips n vaginas became bigger, the pain would remain. Some might argue that it might happen, which means women's vag and hip size shrank when eve sinned!

  • jam

    Making Eve less then Adam or a help mate, that was punishment

    in it self. He could have said I will make you a slave to man, Oh wait

    he did that.

  • adamah

    rebel said-

    If dubs take Midol, does that mean they are scoring Jehovah's lesson?

    A JW family member works as a translator, and I teasingly point out how they're actually working in a career field that says "Up Yours, God!" by working to overcome God's scrambling of languages to prevent men from working together. Needless to say, they just look back with a blank look on their face, since what can they say?

    Grumblecakes said-

    Seriously, this and the whole "inherited sin" & "breadpan" analogy never made any freaking sense to me. Punish everyone for something one person did! Ummm, "perfect in justice"? "Perfect in love"?....wha?

    Yeah, people living in ancient cultures actually were much more accepting of the practice of inherited debt, where it was the family and offspring as yet unborn who were expected to pay off debts, i.e. you could not only inherit a father's wealth, but also their DEBTS. Needless to say, the concept is now so antiquated, that it's just another case of Bible logic that is so foreign, many believers simply think it MUST be true, since who could make up anything so perverse?

    Julia said-

    I wondered how women would have kids in the new system, hearing that it would be painless and quick like animals. But human physiology just makes that impossible because the size the baby's head needs to be due to human brain size.

    Must resist the urge... to make snide comment..... about how JW babies in the New System..... won't need large craniums.... to accommodate their smaller brains......which are atropied from lack of use!!!


  • losingit

    Jam-- give every woman the same size breasts? Why? I would thnk the variety, even in various stages of life,is intriguing to men. I guess not I appreciate having gone from a B cup to D! The changes were WOW! DDidn't know my body could do that.

    Backseat Devil-- a c-section is not cheating! In fact, a c-section Is major abdominal surgery requiring months of Recovery. Vagnal delivery is much easier on the female body.

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