Why have some been cursed more heavily than others? The implication was you were more prone to independent thinking and wanting to know good and evil.
Eve made our periods painful
by rebel8 25 Replies latest jw friends
Why do Men have to suffer from women's periods? Can someone answer that?!
Why do Men have to suffer from women's periods? Can someone answer that?! Women should give men-a-pause .
Because Adam didnt put eve over his knee and smack her bare bottom for eating that fruit.
So Adam got the bum rap.
I can't think of a way to appropriate or rehabilitate that scripture. Once the facts get in the way (cranial size: forebrain, long-term memory, past/present/future, imagination, linguistics, symbols, tools - all the things required to think about God and do stuff to his glory), this becomes trite. There are the hormone swings. I think males have hormone/chemical/mood swings in their own manner.
I remember being told a similar thing and yet humans are not the only animals that menstruate, animals such as primates do too.. (yes what a coincidence, our cousins) and yet they didn't eat no fuit.....or did they!?
The bible says that god punished women with difficult and painful births. We have lost the appreciation of how dangerous human birth is thanks to hospital care , but think of how many women need hospital births and how much medical support they need. In the 1800's 40% of births led to mother mortality. Now it is about 800-1000 mothers a day dying, mostly in non hospitalised regions of the world.
The issue is that the female pelvis is nearly the exact same size as the babies head. Evolution tells us that it was advantageous for us to walk, in being upright we had to have a smaller pelvis. At the same time we were evolving larger heads (brains) and here we had our issue, the difficult birth of thehead through the pelvis. Enough babies survived for the walking and brain size to remain advantageous, but the problem remains to this day.
But this horrendously scary and dangerous element of human life is ascribed to god being a bit pissed off in the bible. Something worth contemplating when awful things happen during birth, and ..as in the JWs they turn to the very same god for hope and comfort.
But adding to the birth is the pain of the menstrual cycle. This amazing process involving 3 hormones provides a layer of blood rich tissue for the egg to land in, when the egg is not fertilised, it is shed, to great pain and discomfort of the female. The process gives us life, it is no punishment, it is a very male perspective to denounce the female, the miracle life giver as not only the one who caused all of this, but the one who is punished more.
Before the bible, women were worshipped as humans fell from their belly..... The bible came along and reversed that. Did a good job too.
So ladies blame yaweh or Darwin, because we all have to suffer when 'the painters are in.'
as said, it was not Eve nor Adam it was the bible WT God. PERIOD.
he did not warn them before hand of
these other consequences following the TOUCHING the forbidden tree's fruit, that were added to the death sentence.
This bible stuff must have been written to make greedy religious leaders look begnine compared to the capricious vengeful GOD.
critiqueing the "talking snake" account firther:
since the added activity of dealing with the knowledge of good & bad would increase the brain size of Humans,
the natural consequence would be would be increased natal difficulties.
Since these "bread pan" genetic changes happened upon touching of the forbidden fruit, any conception after the "fall"
would have that bigger brain feature.
Bible was written by men. telling women that
they would desire men more was a hoped - for self fullfilling prophecy.
seeing as the Bible blames Adam primarily since through one MAN sin entered into the world it seems a little unfair that women get period pain. I do not know if men suffer in silence but it seems unfair that they have no specific consequences. After all death through sin applies to both sexes.
Band on the Run
Decades ago Gloria Steinem wrote a classic essay for Ms. magazine on what would happen if men menstruated. It was funny and true. Eve always annoyed me. I suffered from extreme cramps. How would I every marry? The entire school knew b/c I would screech my head off each month. It was better to be at school with people than alone at home with the pain. I would vomit and have chills, then sweats. Finally, it resolved.
I was told my attitude was wrong. This pain was merely practice for childbirth. When I cried from the pain, not touched by opiates, I was disobedient to God's will. Friends told me of hormones that could help. My RC doctor told me my friends were wrong. One weekend I was driving up to Boston to check out colleges (the Witnesses could screw themselves at this point) and I started to feel lower back pain. I was the only driver and did not want to ruin everyone's good time so I just drove and drover further from home. I was wearing blue jeans, a funky raccoon coat, and had progressive bumper stickers on the car. A typical teenager in New Jersey.
Finally, I could not pretend any more. With luck, I was able to reach the shoulder. Before cell phones, we just sat and waited for the police to patrol. A NJ state trooper car pulled up. They were certain that I did heroin or LSD. No ambulance would be summoned until I confessed. It is still very hard for me to lie but I figured God maybe had an escape clause for extreme emergencies. My friend freaked out of her mind and screeched at the state trooper. They decided to summon an ambulance as I was collapsed on my side, puking all over and screeching. The paramedics were nice. I needed immediate emergency surgery b/c blood was all over my pelvic cavitiy. An ovarian cyst had ruptured. All my driving was silly b/c I had to wait for my mother to give permission in person so the doctors could conduct an exam on my body. I was not three but a few months from eighteen.
My personal RC doctor had commited gross negligence. Young girls should not be examined.
The pain continued every month. During my freshman orientation, it happened. I was taken to the health office and a doctor appeared. Soon I was given opiates and lots of TLC, something I never had before. A gyn prescribed birh control pills. My life became normal. No more agony b/c of Eve.
If God is so omnipotent, he could have created a better design. Looking back, I don't know which was worse, the actual pain or the stupid comments from older women about suffering being a woman's lot. Agony vs. mild discomfort. The theological consequences are profound. Later, I studied religious history and found out about Lilith, the wise counterpart to Eve. Lilith would not submit to pain.
OMG, if a boy or man knew............