Blasting WATCHTOWER's disfellowshipping and shunning policy!
by Newly Enlightened 13 Replies latest jw experiences
interesting Ray Franz accurately noted in his Crisis of Conscence book...they use a scripture to support one view or action then use the very same scripture to support the opposite view or action.....very unChristlike wouldn't you agree.?
Thank you for your video. Im sorry about your brother, what's happened to you, and what's continued to happen. Being shunned is extremely difficult, and the fact that they lie publicly abiut their policies is sickening. You have my support.
Alligator Wisdom
Thanks for sharing your expressions. I really see the harm of shunning and deplore this type of action.
By the way, I noticed that you have Ray Franz's COC and ISOCF wedged between the NWT reference Bible and the Proclaimers book on your bookshelf behind you. Nice .
More power to you!
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
Iown Mylife
This horrible cult couldn't keep their congregations clean if they hosed them off at the door. I'm so sorry about your brother. Keep up the good work Kim! The bs like you say is consuming families.
You are standing up against an aggressive evil corporation, that's the reality.
((((((( Kim )))))))
Kim,, so glad you are getting this fact and your experience out to the public. I am all for the public exposure of evil, hateful policies of the WTS.
So many best wishes to you and your immediate family as you regain your own life back.
Good job!
enjoyed having coffee with you. I hope your video adds more weight to the mounds of evidence proving Watchtower is fraudulant, to put it simply.
Sorry your brother was put in such a position. I'm glad he was able to spit in the face of the drones.
The Searcher
But the reason for our radical changes in discipline and U-turns in various doctrines is simple; the "light is getting brighter", and all that mumbo-jumbo that C.T. Russell and J.F. Rutherford spouted early on in our history is getting debunked and buried by the newly-recognised FDS (AKA the GB). So in the coming months and years, be prepared to "listen, obey, & be blessed" as the self-named 'glorious ones' gradually direct us to only use publications post-2000 if we are doing research, because of all the "clarifications" and "adjustments".
Thanks to the internet, the 'genie is out of the bottle', and don't they know it!!!!!