I spoke with some one that recommends I step lightly for he said the tower may use there attorneys to attack me recommend to my wife to leave me (spiritual endangerment) and use their attorney's to then help her get complete custody of the kids. Has anyone heard of these guys doing this? I don't doubt this guy former elder and bethelite and all, just wondering if any one here has experienced this or knows of this happening? He says he knows first hand, anyone else?
tower attacking families to save ones from apostates
by Crazyguy 17 Replies latest jw experiences
Get a copy of the child custody book. Find a good knowlagable lawyer. There is a guy on youtube that is a lawyer. You need to be prepared for a fight.
I wish i had more info for you. I am just repeating some of what I have researched.
Contact AAWA. See if they care about the little guy.
Its not typical for the WTS. to use its own lawyers in child custody cases between a non-believer and a devoted member in marriage.
Its true that some elders will try to promote the separation of the couple based on spiritual endangerment, which in itself could be
brought before a court of law to be considered unlawful and libel.
Crazyguy...... those damn fools will save that family from apostates,
even if it kills them!
Sorry about this Cg ... I knew a exjw who was threatened by her ex,
that if she tried to even visit the kids, she would never see them again!
He had friends in high places who would gladly hide them!
Be cautious!
label licker
Contact your lawyer but go in asking from both sides. Ask what they can do for you but then turn the table and ask him if you were watchtower how would he handle your situation. Too many times when dealing with lawyers we would only aske what they could do for us. They'll tell you that your entitled to this and that and their famous words are we think you'll win. But remember watchtower's bank account compared to yours. Lawyers love to fight to the last penny.
Society will bend for we knew of a family in our hall that adopted two babies from a family in a neighboring congregation. They were poor and knew they couldn't look after the kids. Brother Howe assisted in the paperwork. That's the first thing we had learned coming to this hall.
Please go to your lawyer for the proper advice. Our lawyer told us they couldn't get involved in our case for slander because it's not government run. I don't know what they would say to child custody and the religion.
Hope you get the answers your looking for from your lawyer but if your not happy, go to another lawyer for advice.
IF it ever gets to the point where she get wts lawyer and tries to keep your kids away from you because you no longer believe, not only have your own lawyer that specializes in divorce law but also contact the media, record the hearings and if legal post them on the net.
I have never heard of Watchtower lawyers becoming directly involved in child custody cases but there probably is some behind-the-scenes activity (e.g., legal advice-giving and strategies for specified cases).
To be fair, though, the courts have traditionally favored the non-JW parent and there have been instances in which the sole JW parent has been physically and mentally abused by the unbelieving spouse.
If you and your wife split up then the Society do have tools to help her fight for custody of your children, but for JWs to recommend your wife leave you then you would likely have to be very aggressive in your anti-Watchtower stance.
But regardless of what the elders might tell her to do I don't know why you would take an agressive approach anyway, mutual respect and 'stepping lighting' when you disagree on something, even strongly, is surely important in a good marriage.
it may appear like that has happened but as others have said, the WTS lawyers would not be involved to actually represent anyone.
I don't beleive they would "recommend" per se to leave you but they would make it know that "spiritual endangerment" is scriptural justification for separation. (she would not however be free to marry)
I do believe that the WTS legal could advise the cong. elders who would then advise the JW spouse how to best proceed
members of the local cong. may also come in droves to certain court hearings to villainize you and pump sunshine up your wifes ass to the judge.
I have SEEN this happen. From an observers perspective, this may appear to be as you described in your post. In reality, your wife would obtain her own legal counsel and file for legal separation with the support of the elders and the congregation. With all that support she will have the strength and resources to wage war. She will also have a vast array of character references.
I would also suspect someone she knows would have means to access personal information about you that she could use against you. I have seen this too.
As for custody, the mother is typically favored by the courts. On top of that she'll have dozens of JW's providing character references making her appear as the perfect mother, and you as a dead beat father that "confuses" the children.
They can't just say "he's not a JW anymore" so they cloake this in phraseology about the children being confused, or you not being "stable".
The only thing is to prime your kids for WANTING to be with you.
Remember, lots of JW's are going to be conditioning your kids to "stick with Jehovah", this means "stay with your mom", you need to teach your kids now how to stand up for themselves and to speak their mind.
Hopefully when the custody crap starts you'll have them on your side.