CRAZYGUY- I would tread carefully. WT Society is indeed a criminal organization and they do NOT fight fair. They are a huge corporation, WT attorneys are unethical and don't have a moral compass which involves kindness or being humane. That has been publicly proven in JW child abuse cases in court. When I was divorced from my jw ex-wife in 1998 I had to fight like hell to hang onto joint custody of my then teenage children. My ex-wife used every trick in the book to paint me as a negigent father because of my getting out of the JW organization for several years at the time. If you feel you need to lawyer up- you may indeed need to do so. If you cannot afford an attorney ( as was my situation back in the day ) pursue all your legal options like meeting with a child mediation specialist in your city, county or state government or court system. Most countries and laws will insist on a child having access to BOTH parents as it's in the best interests of the children to have both parents in the picture- unless there is abuse involved. Hang in there, do what's best for your children. They need a sane ex-JW parent like you in the picture
tower attacking families to save ones from apostates
by Crazyguy 17 Replies latest jw experiences
Sammy Jenkis
Use their own money to protect or help one of their faithful followers? Highly doubt it, they'd never spend money on people that need it- that's not spreading the message of the kingdom in the least bit.
Anony Mous
Your wife will leave you or at least be pressured about it, no doubt about that. It happened to me.
They won't send their own lawyers unless it's a high profile case. But they do give lawyer's some information regarding their faith and coach people AND CHILDREN how to lie in court.
There is a lot of research you should do, be concise and to the point regarding the things they believe that could be dangerous, point out things how your children would be better off with you and get a lawyer! Don't point out that there is a difference in what you believe or how it's crazy, that's not really important. Check some of my recent posts, I did compile some information you could use but each case is different.
WTS lawyers will offer advice and get involved if the non-believing parents is attempting to use (the negative aspects of) the JW religion as a reason to deny custody to the JW parent. Doc
Captain Obvious
Is your marriage built on more than mutual beliefs? It damn well should be. Are you worth staying with despite differing beliefs? If your marriage is so paper thin that without shared beliefs it's not worth fighting for, then.... It's not worth fighting for. I say that because obviously if you're talking this way you're not very optimistic.
If you're DFed for apostasy and you're very aggressive in your anti-WT stance, then yes she will be reminded that she can leave you, her relationship with jah is more important. If that's not the case, you're just not interested in the religion anymore and are still a good husband, the elders would be stupid to even bring it up with you.
I'm pretty certain that if the elders floated that idea by my wife, she'd lose it on them. You have to get her on your side, bro. Even if she disagrees with you, she needs to be just as interested as you are in your marriage being a success. If not, what's the damn point? Even if your kids are raised by her to be JWs, they are still more likely to turn out to be Atheists.
Frazzled UBM
I don't think the elders would use the spirtiual endangerment thing unless your wife went to them and started complaining that you were ramming apostate stuff down her throat - otherwise the general direction to stay married to an Unbeliever would apply, even if you are an Apostate. I thkn the advice to thread carefully is good but don't be too swayed by the alarmists. I remember when I first read this site and realized my wife had characterised me as an opposer I feared the spiritual endangerment thing being used as a pretext for a separation but as time has gone on I have realized this is not that likley - but I can never rule the possibility out entirely - unfortunately. Good luck
The local elders will indeed promote your wife to leave you for spiritual endangerment. That's what happened to me. Looking back at all the puzzle pieces I can now see that this plan was launched months in advance.
But I would highly doubt that any Watchtower lawyers would be involved. Whether your wife knows it or not......the Watchtower Society doesn't give two shits about her. The only time the Watchtower would ever volunteer THEIR lawyers for the benefit of a measley little sheep is if the court case has the potential to cost THEM money or bad publicity.
PM me. My divorce is not yet final (upcoming child custody evaluation by a psychiatrist prior to final hearing). But I have put together a 100 page brief that I gave to my attorney. I do not yet know how helpful the brief will be.....but it focuses on 9 different areas. Areas of concern as to why it is NOT in the best interest of my children to be in HER SOLE physical and legal custody. The key is to make sure NOT to attack the religion. Religious views and upbringing is protected by the 2nd ammendment. But bringing up concerns such as health and welfare.......alienation from the parent.....alienation from the greater community.....etc is perfectly acceptable.