What happened in 97-98 to reduce the increase?
by Splash 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I would check that number: found this on another post
Year Avg pubs Avg.pubs prev.year Baptisms % Inc Inc of pubs Deficit
2004 6,308,341 6,184,046 262,416 2.0 124,295 138,121
2003 6,184,046 6,048,600 258,845 2.2 135,446 123,399
2002 6,048,600 5,881,776 265,469 2.8 166,824 98,645
2001 5,881,776 5,783,003 263,341 1.7 98,773 164,568
2000 5,783,003 5,653,987 288,907 2.3 129,016 159,891
1999 5,653,987 5,544,059 323,439 2.0 109,929 213,510
1998 5,544,059 5,353,078 316,092 3.6 190,981 125,111
1997 5,353,078 5,167,258 375,293 3.6 185,820 189,473
try www.jwfacts.com too
Year Ave Peak Baptisms Hours preach Memorial Attendance ... File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat www.jwfacts.com/statistics/charts/watchtower-report-data.pdf