Annual Meeting Instructions to MS / Elders

by jw07 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Quarterback

    Hortensa, you sound jealous for being left out of all this fun.

  • trujw

    Honestly what do these dullards have left. Another non event that will one day be told 30 years later as earth shattering bowls of revelation poured out on Babylon the great yawn.

  • ThisFellowCheap

    I just got some "privileged info"!

    Watch out for MOST important announcement at the Annual Meeting:

    "The Governing Body has been so BUSY! So busy slim-fitting the FDS. So BUSY re-editing a new New World Translation (re-revised). So BUSY making truckloads of money from property sales and other forms of racketeering, so BUSY using said monies to built the most luxurious adult home in Warwick (note, we shall rename it Peacestrong) for our retirement. So BUSY defending all the pedophiles and all other sorts of criminals who have had the luck of being Watchtower's henchmen. So BUSY dictating your medical and health options and your bedroom manners and so so BUSY just sticking our long pinochio noses into every place they do not belong to... In short, we have been so BUSY that Jayhover has chosen a new name for us- a name in the likeness of that which Jacob after trying to hump a wild camel and gotten kicked in the groin resorted to having fought a fictitious angel and being called Isreal- yes, henceforth to show how BUSY we have been and will continue to be, we shall no longer be called The Governing Body (a name with Catholic, and hence pagan, origin), but we shall be called by the unique and ingenious name... The Governing BUSYBODY!!!"

  • Gorbatchov

    Strange fact: it's only for the english language country's. The rest of the JW world has to wait for publication at and the watchtowe of july 2014.

  • KariOtt

    I just want to know so I know what BS my hubby will be hearing

  • Cold Steel
    Cold Steel

    AndDon'tCallMeShirly: Sorry, brother. All this means is you'll be guarding a trash can.

    Yeah, on Guam, my cousin's first assignment was standing on a beach on a moonless night near a dumpster with a pair of binoculars, a walkie-talkie and a loaded .45. His "sensitive" assignment was to maintain radio silence and break it only if he spotted any enemy subs. He was there a couple of hours before he figured out he was being had and moved to an area where he could sit down away from the smell and hang out the rest of the night.

    Apparently all new guys were assigned this duty when reporting from boot camp.

  • WTWizard

    There's no reason to ask for more cash--that is, unless they are aware that some of the witlesses are not living "poor enough". They realize that, unless they can reduce their lifestyle, they might not be as easy to force down to the bottom spiritually as joke-hova and its angels have entrusted the washtowel to do. With less material things, it is easier to impoverish them spiritually and get them to do more field circus. So, with the "excess funds", they confiscate these so the witlesses have nothing better to do than field circus.

    And, as often as not, being defenseless in situations that a simple device could mitigate. This means stumbling in pitch dark when the lights go out in the store instead of finding one's way out. This means getting unnecessary big light bills and headaches from those squiggly things when swapping out for LED lighting would solve the problem. This means wasting money on alkaline batteries instead of buying NiMH and good chargers (not Energizers, which ruin batteries by design) so one always has good batteries when needed (and not having to rush to the store when there is a little windstorm). All the while, blaming Satan that much more for creating grave hardships or even life-threatening situations that a little material preparation could have prevented.

    I don't think they have any right to blame Satan for what they bring down on themselves. If they donate funds that really should have been spent on food and basic preparations for common or foreseeable events, is Satan really responsible for the results? Or, if the organization hounds them to sell out and forgo buying necessary items for surviving the next Sandy or Katrina, why bash Satan when He is against that organization and in favor of you getting those necessary items?

  • Joliette

    A snorefest. Thats excatly what it is.

  • Sammy Jenkis
    Sammy Jenkis

    dispensing cyanide laced Kool Aid

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