Based on what I read from Yadirf's thread on Alternative Service, it does give me the impression that the WTS and the Jehovah's Witnesses hate the military, and that any JW who joins the military will be DF'd.Therefore, I post the questions if JWs hate the military? I'd like to see all your views and explanations.
Well, then you got the wrong impression from the thread that I started … even as others there did. JWs neither love nor hate the military, but are neutral with regards to the goings on of the world … the world that got its start out of the rebellion in the Garden of Eden.
JWs are very realistic people, knowing all to well that man’s system is not God ordained. All governments, save the ancient nation of Israel, have been ruled by man and not God. All nations sprang up after the original pair, Adam and Eve, decided that they wanted to rule themselves. God gave them what they wanted by putting them outside the Garden.
Eventually the nation of Egypt arose, great enough to rule the world of that day. Was Egypt ruled by God? Or did she represent man’s rule? Remember, the human race became estranged from God when Adam and Eve chose to rule themselves. So, no, Egypt ruled itself rather than being ruled by God.
Then after a time Assyria prevailed over Egypt. After that Babylon took precedence. Then Medo-Persia. Then after that, Greece. And Rome followed, by defeating Greece. Were any of those governments anything other than man ruling himself?
Since Rome, today’s world scene is ruled over by ALL the existing governments we see. The United States and Great Britain are only two of the many governments that have jurisdiction over the world of mankind. What do you think, do you suppose that ANY of the nations of our day are anything other than man ruling himself?
The sequence of rulerships are depicted in the wild beast of Revelation 13. Note that I just listed 7 such rulerships above. Note that the beast has 7 heads. Note also that the account says that somewhere on the beast there was 10 horns. For several reasons it can be determined that the 10 horns are to all be viewed as being on the 7 head, the last head in the sequence. The number 10, being that it represents the aggregate sum of a thing, stands for all the nations of earth that rule as a 7th king.
The wild beast represents man’s rule that came about as the result of the rebellion in Eden. Even as Satan was the instigator of the rebellion in Eden so likewise he is blamed for the formation of the wild beast (see verse 2 of the 13th chapter). Need I really say more?
Daniel 11:35 ... a KEY prophecy that must be fulfilled before the "time of the end" gets underway.