When I was a kiddo growing up, I wasn't one of those that we all heard at assemblies giving their experiences... "Here, let me show you the answer from the bible..." <reaching into their a** bringing out a bible>
No, I would sit there in the audience, and think... that person has balls to do that.
When I went to grade school, I tried to keep as low of a profile as possible. It was bad enough that I had to start the day by NOT saying the Pledge of Allegience like all the other school kids. That usually drew unwanted attention.
Then later, when the teacher handed out the seasonal mimeographed papers to be colored (which I loved to smell) - Halloween - No. Thanksgiving - No. Christmas - No. Easter - No. St. Patrick's Day - No. 'Well, here, then. Color these pretty fall leaves.'
As I got older, in the higher grades, it got a little easier, but I still had to keep a low-profile. I wasn't allowed to join things like National Junior Honor Society. No band (extracurricular). No choir. No joining football or basketball teams. Nothing.
Again, I wasn't one of those JWs that walked around the campus carrying a bible with me. It was a green bible. Different. Just like the religion. Different. Most other religions had cooler bibles - black with gold edging. Yes, I know that you could get one of those from the JWs, but you had to pay a lot for them, and my family was poor.
I also never took my 'study' books to school, either. I may have been dumb, but I wasn't stupid. I had a large enough target painted on my back as it was. I certainly wasn't going to have anyone ask me questions about what I was reading. Questions that I would have to answer. Nope. Not going to do that.
Somehow, I got through all of that and graduated. Oh - and I wasn't allowed to walk across the stage to get my diploma. Something about 'all honor goes to god' bull crap. So, I had to skulk to the main office later afterwards, and they gave it to me. No ceremony, just 'here's your diploma'.
When I went to a local junior college, I met this neato kid my age. We got along great! We had similar ideas, and we liked to talk electronics and stuff. One day, he came out to visit me where I lived south of town. My room mate at the time was one of those 'bible thumper' JWs that never passed up an opportunity to 'witness' - or in my case - embarrass me - in front of this friend.
My new friend looked at me - and I kinda turned beet red. I wasn't into preaching that much - especially to friends. I'm sure my friend left that day thinking... 'wierdo'.
I never saw any other religions being agressive like the JWs were... except for a few 'nut case' religions... I believe they were called 'holy rollers' or some such. My mom knew one of those, who would come over occasionally and preach at her... whilst she would preach right back at him. Neither got anywhere convincing the other. I think that they liked to argue religion - then tell others about how bat-sh** crazy the other was later to their friends.
Anyway... I got this thought this morning on the drive to work... I guess I was ashamed of the JW religion when I was growing up. Probably why I left it later.
Of course, nowadays, I have no desire to be in ANY religion. They're ALL nonsense - in my book.
Jim TX