Tithing....seriously? Would they have the balls?
by XBEHERE 14 Replies latest jw friends
Seriously?...of course they would! LOL
of course they wouldnt call it tithing
You're asking if the group that demands JW parents sacrifice their children on the altar of "no blood" (and gets them to do it), would have the balls to ask for money?
What do you think?
breakfast of champions
They would never call it "tithing" just like their "rapture" isn't the Rapture and their Churches are "Kingdom Halls."
Maybe they'll call tithing "Involuntary Kingdom Contributions"
Maybe they'll call tithing "Involuntary Kingdom Contributions"
That would be just like the "voluntary donations" that pay for the CirAssm & SADs and JW Assm Halls. It's voluntary until the required amount is not donated. Then the Circuit simply bills each congregation to collect the shortfall. That's "voluntary".
Sure, its all about "selling it" to the troops.
They have the vehicle to ramp it up slowly. Maybe we are seeing the beginning of it with the latest WT where they are telling people to set aside money at the beginning of the week, not wait to see what is leftover. Even the dirt poor dude in Africa sets aside some of his garden to grow veggies for the WTS. Why the F*&^ aren't you rich bastards contributing more here in the USA????
After a year of articles, CO talks, and KM parts on setting aside something at the start of the week, then a suggested percentage will come out.
"Brothers, the Israelites were happy to contribute the first fruits from their fields. Every family would dedicate 10% of their harvest to care for the needs of the temple. What a fine example! Have you perhaps adjusted your monthly budget so do something similar?"
Keep the conditioning going for a decade and then you will be having yearly audits with the BOE where they comb through your tax return just like the Mormons!
Yep, they would. They already lie about not soliciting funds, what's one more lie?
verb \sə-ˈli-sət\
: to ask for (something, such as money or help) from people, companies, etc.
: to ask (a person or group) for money, help, etc.
: to urge (as one's cause) strongly a : to entice or lure especially into evil : to try to obtain by usually urgent requests or pleas<solicited donations> Example given at http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/solicit :
- The organization is soliciting for donations. LOL!!!!
Does the WTBTS solicit donations? Yes or No. [ Matthew 5:37]