Hubby's going to the big meeting instead of celebrating our anniversary

by KariOtt 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • rebel8

    Time to re-evaluate this relationship

  • Suraj Khan
    Suraj Khan

    RVW: " Maybe he feels his odds of getting screwed are better at the Annual Meeting."

    I would submit that the chances of getting screwed at the Annual Meeting are precisely 100 percent.

  • truthseekeriam

    Wow!! That stinks.

  • Sherilynn

    Sorry for saying this but.........may be he has been up to something and feels the need to get "good" with God, so doing a sacrifice, but you are the sacrifical lamb. Time to start living your life dear...and I dont mean get even...just do something constructive with your life and not destructive to your life.

    Hope you can see the light as its getting ever brighter.

    Sending love and peace your way

  • perfect1

    KariOtt wasnt you anniversary last weekend- Starting to think you are not a real person.

  • KariOtt

    perfect1...... re-read my post " I made a huge mistake " In one of my posts I clairify the date of my anniversary is Saturday October 5th and that it will be my 7 year anniversary. I am a real person just like you are. Sorry you don't think I exist.

  • Frazzled UBM
    Frazzled UBM

    KariOtt - I feel your pain - the Wedding Anniversary is the ONLY celebration we are allowed as UBMs, so to have him blow you off for a meeting, even if he thinks it is an important one, is unacceptable. It is so sad. I agree with those who think you should be reevaluating the relationship - what do you actually see in this guy? It is hard enough having a wife who is a Witness but having a husband who is one woudl be worse because of all the head of the household BS. Go out an get plastered with your gfs on the big day and come home at your most obnoxious and withhold affection and other privileges of a physical nature for at least a month if not permanently.

  • nonjwspouse

    Kari I agree with UBM, he is shouting at you loud and clear just where you stand with him. Evidently has done so in the past as well from reading other peoples comments about your postings.

    Reevaluate everything in your relationship. Write and write and write. Sometimes writing can help you clarify thoughts in your mind, to help organize and help you recognise patterns. See a therapist to help you see what it is in yourself that you alow this type of treatment without consequenses for him. Time to figure out your boundries and make them LOUD and clear with him, and yourself!

    You need to take care of and respect the person Jesus loves deeply, YOU. Your husband is obviously not having any trouble taking care of himself at your expense. The ONLY person to stop that is you. He is not loving you as he himself, he obviously loves himself way more and is willing to trample you in order to ge what he wants. ( or he hates himself, and in that case treates you in the same hateful manner to have company in his misery) What your husband is doing is hypocritical at best.

    My support and prayers are with you.

  • KariOtt

    update.... I asked hubby late last night if we could celebrate our anniversary next weekend as I didn't want to share him with the cult on the one day we can both celebrate together. He got up and made reservations for us to spend the weekend in Gatlinberg. No annual meeting. Took everything not to cry as I was in shock and happy.

  • cofty

    Have a great weekend.

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