baltar, Just do like most of the JWs... pop a few Xanax and then plaster on a smile like you love your dumbed-down grey NWT bible.
by JW GoneBad 31 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I was hoping for some new crazy sh!t, you know? Or to REALLY hit up the JWs for more money. I was ready to get vocal and say to hell with laying low..
I like how they admit that brackets have been removed because it was implied for so long that it's just accepted now.
2006 paperback printing NWTs and it has already removed all the brackets including the scripture in question (paperback versions where their (i.e. Col 1:15-19) contains the word 'other' without brackets)
Col. 1:15-19 has added the word [other] in brackets
Col 1:15-19..."all other things.."the use of bracketed word can be disturbing, just like their use of elipsis (...) in quotes
I was let down this could of been down at the DC next year. The feeling in the crowd was that of joy until they started reading it and realized this was all the meeting was about, a book release. I watched as the joy died pretty quick. Then came the app show they are trying hard to be hip and look fresh.
somehow the new bible cover brings this song into my head...ghostly misty shades of gray
So it is we exist in a world not of black and white ... but grey and white ... in fact the human eye can distinguish 500 shades of gray not just" fifty
shades of gray"
looks a little pale
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
I like Nugget's take on the color...
The New New World Translation in Zombie Grey... because "beige is just too colourful!"
breakfast of champions
The new font is quite easy on the eyes and readable. The leather cover has a nice feel to it.
Otherwise, the meeting was a bit of a letdown for me. I wanted more craziness รก la last week's WT.
Oh well.