Hi fresh prince of ohio, I can relate to that, even though I don't have such issues with death and mortality.
I've had JW-parents who 'programmed' me by always telling me that NOBODY can be trusted, to be more specific I myself as their daughter wasn't trustworthy! And as a child growing up of course I always proved them right by my actions (telling little white lies every now and then, only because I was scared to death for my dad who used to beat us kids up for any wrong doing... and I'm a very bad liar, my body language and face will blow my cover big time, always!)... It's part of the JW'ism that is still in MY system.
Problem is that still to this day I always feel the need to prove anything and everything I say, do, think, write etc. Sometimes I drive my husband crazy with it. I have a hard time making (and especially keeping!) friends, for I always feel that I'm not good enough to be their friend. Or they're not good enough for me, which also happens a lot. 'Judgemental' is my middle name... wonder where I got that from :S
Sometimes I really wish I would have had normal parents, brought up in a normal family where they love each other unconditionally... I know my family think I'm 'mentally ill' because I left the cult, but it's THEM who are the ones being mentally retarded!
I've had therapy for all of this and came a long way, but I'm still not completely recovered from my 33 years of mental prison! That's why I keep reading on forums like this. It softens the pain to know I'm not alone going through all of this.
And yes, we live our dream by living in Spain, but the dream also involved having a lot of money... and that part hasn't come true yet (not by a long shot!) ;)
Whenever I feel down or scared by financial troubles (or any other troubles), I always listen to an old song by Southern rock band 'The Outlaws': "Keep prayin'"... always makes me feel a whole lot better and strenghtens my believe that everything WILL be alright, one way or another!
Chin up fresh prince, it will get better when you keep looking at the bright side of life: you're out of the cult! That's a great achievement already!