Newspeak anyone? Rigidly define words and rub out any ambiguous or secondary meanings. Narrow the range of conscious thought to leave you with less vocabulary to even conceptualise thoughtcrime.
The whole cult is more nuts than a macadamia farm.
by grumblecakes 58 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Newspeak anyone? Rigidly define words and rub out any ambiguous or secondary meanings. Narrow the range of conscious thought to leave you with less vocabulary to even conceptualise thoughtcrime.
The whole cult is more nuts than a macadamia farm.
Ohhh, can you look up Genesis 3:6 for me?
Oh, and Genesis 9:5-6, too.
Oh and...
I was looking forward to hearing in what context the term "sister proof" was used...what the hell does that mean?
When he said "witness proof" everyone (in actual attendence) laughed. When he said "sister proof", it was a weird 1/2 1/2 mix of laughter and low "oooh".
What the hell did he mean by that? Your guess is as good as mine.
Also, they read 2 complaint letters RE: the unavailability of NWTs...the first one he said "is from a SISTER" and lifts his eyebrows and pauses in lighthearted distain...To thunderous laughter!?!? It was seriously like being in the twilight zone.
Ooh like how dare a WOMAN ask or question!!!
He was making a joke about women not taking care of things
Gen 3:6
"Consequently, the woman saw that the tree was good for food and that it was something desireable to the eyes, yes, the tree was pleasing to look at. So she began taking of its fruit and eating it. Afterwards, she also gve some to her husbandwhen he was with her, and he bagan eating it."
Grumblecakes said-
I think the answer is obvious: just consider the misogynistic source. Surprise, surprise that the GB consists of old males, stuck in the 1950's chauvanistic mentality, thinking of themselves as modern-day Israelites who also shared a 'women as property' thinking... These guys probably are upset women can drive, wear pants, etc.
Eve liked the fruit because it was pretty.... Imagine that.