Wow mentally diseased is gone! That's a biggie.
My highlights from the AGM
by Apognophos 49 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
8. "Have we ever mentioned how much we like the KJV?"
11. The choice of sample changes by Br. Jackson et al. in the new NWT were rather interesting. An "exposed themselves" is now something like 'showed themselves openly', "those urinating against the wall" is now "males", and Br. Lett told us that "ass" is now "donkey" (the audience managed not to snicker here; in fact, I think they were embarrassed). Yes, half of the examples given were PG-rated.
If they like the KJV that much, I don't know why they couldn't have followed its example with its colorful expression, "any that pisseth against a wall" rather than the bland 'every male.'
I can't see much evidence from the publications that they love the KJV. They probably "love" that it is out of copyright and they can stick it on their app for free.
This is way off topic, but Ann's post reminded me. When we were in school and about eight years old, the Boys and Girls toilets were in the same building/outhouse, and divided off by a low wall, that did not reach the ceiling.
The boy who could not only piss against the said wall, but piss right over it and make the girls scream in horror was a HERO !
Thanks for your comments (except that last one, Phizzy j/k). I'm surprised that more people haven't commented on #13 (the removal of "impale"; what are we supposed to say now instead of "crucify"?!) or #9 (new Bible is trying to warn us about the GB; why did they place the bookmarks there?).
I thought the word "impale" referred to the stabbing in the side with a sword.
Nope, the NWT used that to refer to his execution method, which is why the crowd formerly shouted to Pilate "Impale him!".
I'm surprised that more people haven't commented on #13 (the removal of "impale"; what are we supposed to say now instead of "crucify"?!)
Impale was always wrong, but it's a weird change because "to the stake with him" isn't even the same grammatical structure as "impale him", i.e. "to the stake with" isn't usable as a verb on its own. The correct word in English - even if a single upright stake - is crucify.
I got John 8:58 the wrong way round. No change, sorry for the confusion.
Every other bible translation I've seen says 'crucify'. Does anyone know of one that says something else?