The Index does not have the words Governing Body.
My interest in this revised NWT
by Doug Mason 37 Replies latest watchtower bible
All the non-English NWT's are translations of the English NWT. I am slightly familiar with the way they "interpreted" the American Sign Language version of the NWT. They had long discussions on how to make it clear and simple and not necessarily retain the original essence of ancient texts (although they won't admit that).
My wife attended a d got the impression that this decision would make it easier to expand Bible printing into more languages. So I imagine the NNWT is like ASL- translated from the NWT to simplify the thought with little consideration for the original thoughts from ancient texts (although they won't admit that).
The biggest known money-maker in the publishing business is THE BIBLE.
Announcing a "new and improved" Jehovah Bible will offset (they hope) the lawsuit payoff fiasco.
If they can get either the Kardashians, Hillary Clinton or the ghost of Charles Taze Russell to pen the foreword, all the better!
I was around when the original complete green New World Translation was released. (Previously it was dribble-drabbled out in volumes)
It sold for ONE DOLLAR.
I can guaran-damn-tee you this one will cost 7 million active publishers exactly enough to pay the lawsuits
Ah so no change there then, thanks.
Those are some pretty awkward turns of phrases if you ask me, but maybe they thought them too doctrinally sensitive to change.