I know this is old news, but as I sit here, and ponder the upcoming AGM, I can't help but think, " What happened?!!" I actually awoke an hour before my alarm went off, just thinking of everything that is bothering me about the WTBTS. Approach this list as a born-in, someone who was told that YOU were different from everyone else. From an early age, you were told that YOU were special,different, blessed to be part of THE ONLY religion that has God's approval. We were told that our faith was a direct successor of the 1st Century Christians. The Bible Students humbly met in small groups, and were so very different from the Churches of Christendom, and their harlotry with the governments and links to the commercial world in Satan's grasp. So where are we as a religion?
1) JW.org
Just watch the commercials and "news" videos. The latest video of property sales is frankly disgusting. From the humble demeanor of the Bible Students, meeting in homes and basements, we now have a site that is very similar to any other religion. We have JW.org stores and displays, and a guy at the AGM who is supposed to be some cool tech guy. What's next? Billboards? The JW.org logo at the end of every video makes me sick to my stomach. I do not watch them, my wife does, and I wanted to see what was being poured into her mind. It was disturbing to say the least.
2) Real Estate
Billions of dollars in real estate sales. No one notices. Multi-million dollar facilities are being built. Not just from neccessity, or material costs IMO. I have seen the humble buildings made for JWs in poor countries. There are no giant murals, pools for baptism and credit card machines. There are no buildings that are conveniently designed to be turned into a shopping center later.
3) Modern,easy to read bible. I have no real issue with this. I understand that when you translate something, there are issues. If you convey the thought and don't blatantly alter the text, that's ok. Of course adding Jehovah even more bothers me, especially since no real basis was given. I guess it's just the fact that everyone in the audience was totally hypnotized and enraptured by the experience. Now the WTBTS is doing what everyone else has done for decades, but for some reason it's the greatest thing invented since movable type.
For all of you who have been on the wrong side of the Elder's table, can you even imagine what would have happened to any one of us who said, " I feel the NWT needs to be updated. I have been comparing it's text with several other translations and a concordance. I feel that it is needlessly wordy and hard to understand, and it could be more accurate. Some of the words chosen by the WTBTS give our brothers the wrong idea about certain concepts. We to revise it like other translators have done." Can you say," DF'd for apostasy?" Remember the KM and DC parts that specifically condemned studying Hebrew and Greek with the purpose of checking the NWT for accuracy? Imagine telling the Elders that you felt compelled to check verses of the NWT with a concordance because Greek words can convey different shades of meaning, and you wanted to be sure that what was written in the NWT was faithful to the "original" language. LOL!!!