What has happened to Jehovah's Witnesses???

by DATA-DOG 35 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Finkelstein

    It moved from a small time religious publishing house or indulgent commercialized fraud

    to more of a brazen modernized commercialized fraud, complete with ATM donation machines at Assembly Halls.

    If people are stupid enough to read their literature and become one of their devoted sales people, then why not milk them for money

    at the same time. Money is the life blood of this organization and has been for a long time.

    You just have to keep on pushing the notion that god is using your organization to dispense bible truths. ( Purer worship as the saying goes)

    It costs to have this purified spiritual direction you know, because of this Jehovah doesn't come to you cheap.

  • Xanthippe

    complete with ATM donation machines at Assembly Halls.

    Really? Good grief. Just that. Have my family had their brains removed!

  • Stand for Pure Worship
    Stand for Pure Worship

    Also, I say to you, You are Peter,and on this rock-mass I will build my congregation. -Matt 16:18

    The organization's growth and adaptability throughout the years is clear evidence of Jehovah's blessing.

  • Finkelstein

    The organization's growth and adaptability throughout the years is clear evidence of Jehovah's blessing.

    Really ???

    Yes we can see that blessing in countries like China and Russia.

    How do you accept the fact that there has been a decline in some countries ?

    Maybe god doesn't like those countries ?

    Once again Stand for Pure Worship your talking through your ass again.

  • Ucantnome

    stand for pure worship what do you mean adaptability?

  • Londo111

    'Stand for Pure Worship': You are quoting a verse that Catholics use to support their Hierarchy which they claim comes from a line of succession from Peter. I suppose that makes sense to a degree, since the Watchtower has emulated thier Hierarchy structure and many of thier plays from thier playbook.

    Of course, the Governing Body do not claim Apostolic succession, only succession since their claimed appointment made in 1919 that they did not know about apparently until last year. They have fashioned themselves as Greater than the Apostles, since it is now taught that not even the Apostles were the Faithful Slave.

  • Theredeemer

    Usually Jehovahs chosen people never had to "adapt". Usually they would just kill everything else in sight.

    If they are adapting, who are they adapting for? The world? I thought thats a no-no. I thought god never changes. If he never changes shouldnt his chosen religion never have to change either? A animal has to adapt to the changing seasons. The surrounding climate will force the animal to adapt. It can be said that the climate has a certain control over the animal's life. Is the surrounding world influencing this org to "adapt". If so who controls this org? The world or God?

  • wasblind

    " Remember the Km and DC parts specifically condemned studying Hebrew and Greek with the purpose of checking the NWT for accuracy? " _______DATA DOG

    Here's the reason why it was condemned


    " Is it really a scholarly translation?

    Scince the translators have chosen to remain anonymous, the question cannot here be answered in terms of thier educational background. "_______Reasoning Book page 277

    Or won't be answered, and wit good reason

    I would guess the Bible Translation Committee was made up of janitors and window washers

    Who else would tell folks that blood fractions were equated to idolitry and fornication on page 71 in the Reasoning book

    and then turn around in the 2006 August Awake pages 11-12 and quote

    " As for the various fractions, the Bible does not comment on these . Each Witness makes his own personal decision on such matters "

    A real scholar would'nt have missed that !!!!!!!

    It don't make sense at all to tell folks they can do a fraction of what the WTS consider idolitry and fornication if they " chose "

    That ain't scholarly advice. That's from damn fools

    get out of her people , your in a cult

  • Theredeemer

    So let me get this straight Stand for Pure Worship, not only were they way off on the whole Generation teaching, what the toes in the great image meant and the FDS teaching but on top of that they had a sub par bible for the past 25 years?!! WOW? Doesnt sound very Pure to me. Sounds like someone was sitting for pure worship

  • Apognophos

    Oh God, how long are you people going to bite into this bait? Stop feeding the troll. They took 15 seconds to type something that is now derailing the thread, and they don't care about your answers.

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