A small observation from the AGM...

by sir82 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • Splash

    Thanks Oubliette,

    I'm from the UK so as far as I'm concerned there's only New York, California and Disney Land in America. I just chose one and hoped .

    It's a bit like, to Americans there's only London and Scotland in the UK.
    If someone is especially educated there might be Manchester as well .


  • Emery

    Great observation on their power, its better than money.

    My god, this reminds me of a crazy self-righteous couple who would do JUST THAT at my old hall. On top of the ridiculously forced laughter, their singing would make you want to punch a baby. They're THE MOST viciously judgmental people I have ever met, yet they were both dis-fellowshipped before. Get this, my best friend (who is related to them) told me that one time the wife got up and left the Watchtower study crying because, "she felt her comment wasn't good enough." Yes, complete loons.

  • Oubliette

    Splash, no worries, but I noticed you left out Wales and Northern Ireland! ... lol

  • 3rdgen

    Sir 82, your observation is typical of so many sisters I know. At one time I (shudders) think I may have been kinda like that.

  • Gorbatchov

    Great topic. I think we can say that there is a person cultus underway now the 8 has described itself as FDS. A collective leadership, a true cult.

  • respectful_observer

    To the OP, the reactions you observed mirrored identically what I saw.

    - Everyone laughed way too hard at every joke a GB made.

    - Everyone was clap-happier than they are at the DC.

    - I just about died laughing when he finally announced the Bible and people audibly gasped with surprise. (Really??? Have you been living under a rock for the last 6 months? Have you not heard them making jokes for the last 2 hours about a lack of Bibles? Have you not picked up on the fact that they've spent the last 2 hours talking ONLY about Bibles and translations?)

    - Can't remember which one said it, but when he made the comment that these Bibles will be available for order starting in 2014...."100 years following Christ taking his throne", we giggled in amusement as we watched 75% of those in the auditorium turn and look at each other with eyes the size of dinner plates and mouth "WOW!!!"

  • jgnat

    On Facebook, people are swooning and frothing. There is no way to reach such people....londo

    I am proud that I managed to deflect the anticipated frenzy a bit by telling hubby what to expect, including the new bible. Increased my cred, and deflated some of his anticipation.

    On the flip side, I made a big deal when he came home, running out to greet him, and asking to see the new bible. That was to keep the cultist calm. See, I'm not an opposer!

  • drewcoul

    Sir82: Absolutely outstanding observation and you are dead-nuts right on: That is something that, literally, money cannot buy. It is a hell of a drug, and those addicted to it are utterly hooked and unwilling to break the habit.

  • dozy

    Thanks Sir82 - very astute observation.

    It isn't just sisters as well that have this kind of hero worship. One brother in our congregation button holed Jack Barr after a talk a few years ago and he constantly relates the very brief conversation verbatim which clearly has left him awe struck. He used to bring it up in his comments in the meetings at least once a month.

  • tresdecu

    Thanks Sir82!!!

    You have a way with words

    "This lady is so convinced that the golden droppings of ambrosia falling from the lips of these 8 wankers is virtually spoken by GOD HIMSELF"

    Love it! LMAO!!

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