So how exactly did this "new translation" come to be?

by sir82 79 Replies latest jw friends

  • Wonderment


    Who said tha ONLY GB members can work on translation work? Most likely, for this type of publication the GB will reach out to others for help. People are mistaken if they feel that only GB members can do it. It is very likely, they won't.

    Why would they hold back from using individuals from Greece or Israel who are knowledgeable with biblical languages as well? After all, the NWT is available in modern Greek, and modern Hebrew (New Testament for now). Who says these people have no interest in studying biblical languages too, or in helping out the NWT Translation Committee if needed? Someone here mentioned once that he had personal knowledge of a JW in Greece who was a translator, and was equally at home with both modern and biblical Greek, and in fact had assisted Bible translation work for decades.

    Many comments made here that the NWT Committe can't read Hebrew or Greek is mostly bias against the WT Society. There is no proof the Society can't come up with someone who can read Greek. By the way, George Gangas was Greek, spoke fluent Greek, and learned Spanish after he learned English in his twenties. Can someone tell me how Gangas could not learn to read biblical Greek (being Greek himself), but yet was able to learn Spanish fluently as a third language? Oh, please!

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    Wake up and smell the coffee folks. They released this new Bible for the cold hard $$$$$$$$$$$, nothing more, nothing less. A million English new Bibles gobbled up by every English speaking JW at a donation each of say $10 = laughing all the way to the bank!

    This is not about a new Bible, it's about giving JW's a token something back for getting a nice juicy mandatory donation from all of them, just like every corporation does. They give you a little tangible something with a grey cover produced by volunteer labour and you give them a bunch of money back.

    8 million little cash cows getting milked big time. This religion is ALL about the money and global property empire folks. It's McDonald's with Bibles.

  • besty

    1953: NWT Edition: “Her get for me, because she is the one just right in my eyes.”

    1984 Edition: "Get just her for me, because she is the one just right in my eyes."

    2013 Edition: “Get her for me, because she is the right one for me.”

    2013 Besty Revised Edition: "Get her for me, for her brazen ass is one of hotness."

    Much better.

  • transhuman68

    Wonderment is indeed correct that the work of translating the Bible is still going on, since the Bible was written in a language with no vowels; or indeed, any punctuation whatsoever or even spaces between words, which means that 2,000 years later we are still trying to guess the right translation of parts of the Bible; as this work is ongoing it usually means that the most modern translation is the most accurate- but in the case of the 2013 NWT this seems not to be the case, as it seems to be a paraphrased version, so it could just be a waste of paper.

  • bats in the belfry
    bats in the belfry

    besty >>> 2013 Besty Revised Edition: "Get her for me, for her brazen ass is one of hotness."

    Corrupting the scriptures, eh? Shouldn't it read: "Get her for me, for her brazen ass donkey is one of hotness." ?

  • sir82

    Corrupting the scriptures, eh? Shouldn't it read: "Get her for me, for her brazen ass donkey is one of hotness." ?

    Actually the original rendering was "loose ass".

    Now, in 2013, it has been revised to "brazen donkey".

    Much clearer!


    1) When under oath in the Walsh trial. Fred Franz was asked if he could translate a particular passage. He said," NO." He then said that he could do it if he had access to a "liguistic apparatus." A gold star to anyone who know what a linguistic apparatus is. LOL! Knowing what it is really makes Anthony Morris' AGM comment about " who is a scholar, and who is not" twice as hilarious and sad. Is there a word that means hilarious+sad? There should be. Anyone who can read is equal to the WTBTS's "scholars."

    2) A.M.III answered the question of WHY the NWT and the RNWT were REALLY needed in the first place. He probably does not even realize his freudian slip. It's recorded for all the world to hear. Anyone who gives the answer will receive the DATA-DOG reward for excellence, and 1 extra day of everlasting life.



    @ Wonderment

    Q: "Who said tha ONLY GB members can work on translation work? Most likely, for this type of publication the GB will reach out to others for help. People are mistaken if they feel that only GB members can do it. It is very likely, they won't."

    A: They did. Only the GB are the FDS per new light. ONLY the FDS dispense spiritual food, that's what make them the FDS. The many are fed through the hands of the 8. Unless the GB/FDS did all the revision themselves and approved eachothers work with their powers combined as the FDS, then this revision cannot meet the criteria of "spiritual food." If they had others working on this for years who were NOT anointed, then A.M.III lied on stage when he said the anointed made the RNWT. If anointed domestics worked on the revision then it cannot be "spiritual food", since ONLY the GB/FDS can interpret scripture. It seems that the project was began in the dark era, before the nu-light and cannot be trusted.


  • wasblind

    It is not clear who else worked with Fred. It is a kept secrect, Just as the practice of what many corporations are working on next, it is not made publicly known_____Wonderment

    Yes, Jehovah's Witnesses are a corporate organization disguised as a religion. One that force their members to adhere to what they translate from the Bible as God's word's.

    Many Witnesses died needlessly because those "Secret Bible translators" said that to accept blood fractions would make them guilty of Idolitry and fornication in the Reasoning book that was supposed to help explain what the bible translated

    Only to be changed becuase it was admitted that these " Secrect Bible translators" made a boo boo

    " As for the various fractions derived from those components and products that contain such fractions, the Bible does not comment on these" ______2006 August Awake pages11-12



    So how exactly did this "new translation" come to be?

    I was getting a Prostate Exam and the Doctor pulled it out of my Butt!..

    I was like "WTF??!!..I don`t remember sitting on that"..

    The Good News is.....Now I can Pee!..

    .......................... photo mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW

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