OK - I've had it - My letter to the KH

by LisaRose 45 Replies latest jw friends


    Great letter it's everything that's wrong with the dubs in a nutshell, I actualy made a copy of it for my own use and reference so I thank you! To answer your question about keeping them from knocking you have to place a NO TRESSPASING sign on your property and then they are legally binded not to knock. This was in a KM some years back.

  • carla

    If you plan on sending it make sure to send a copy to NY too.

  • slimboyfat

    Great letter. You are a brave, intelligent woman.

  • flipper

    LISA- Very cool letter. Well done. I hope they leave you the heck alone. Good job

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas


    If you feel you need to write to them, then you SHOULD do it.

    Don't count on them reading it, though.

    That LAST SENTENCE is a KILLER strategy... if they didn't read the entire letter they will regret it!

    Have you asked your lawyer about issuing Jehovah's Witnesses (as a class, at the local Kingdom Hall) with a restraining order insisting they not set foot on your property. If they do, you will call 911 to report trespassers on your property harrassing you intent on intentionally inflicting emotional harm to you. Then if they show up again, carry out the plan.

    Do you live in an area where POSTED signs can be displayed? You might also want to consider HD video monitoring so violations can be documented and the perps identified.

    Once you have a violator "on the hook," launch at least a civil suit (if a criminal suit can't happen) with the goal being to cost that "faithful Dub" some cash.

    The WTB&TS will not lift a finger to assist the person who went toyour door AS THEIR REPRESENTATIVE (especially when the crime was committed after so many written warnings and is proved with video). This will serve as an education to the Dub pawn about how well WT shepherds protect the flock (they don't).

    Leave the Dub pawn's corpse impaled on a spear near the entrance to your property. (spiritually speaking)

    Live long and prosper!

  • HBH

    lisarose, I'm not positive, but if you post a "No Tresspassing" sign, and they enter your property, you can file charges with the police.

  • Apognophos

    At least in my car groups, we always respected No Trespassing signs, when we saw them (and sometimes we missed them). Then again, a Warning: Large Trained Attack Dog sign in addition might do wonders

  • LisaRose

    Adjustments, thank you, if you can make use of the letter in any way, that is wonderful.

    Slimboyfat, thank you, but I am really not that brave, there is just really nothing they can do to me, so what have I got to lose?

    I don't want to put up a no trespassing sign, I find them unattractive, and it just wouldn't look right. I live in a neighborhood of vintage style home with picket fences and detached rear alley entry garages. My house is a cute Victorian cottage with a front porch, wicker rockers and a flower garden, I am not maring that with a sign from home depot. Besides, I am on the HOA committee, and I think it might be against the rules.

    Maybe that is why they come so much - they like our pretty houses. I know we get hammered on Halloween, everyone in town comes to our neighborhood it seems. No matter how much candy we buy, we run out. There are not that many kids here, so they are obviously coming from elsewhere.

    I have already sent the letter, it went out Saturday. I will sent a copy to the Borg, that is a good suggestion.

  • Iown Mylife
    Iown Mylife

    Lisa, great letter, don't change a thing!

    i suggest a small sign next to your doorbell: Jehovah's Witnesses will be prosecuted for trespassing. Get Out!

  • Bob_NC

    Send it! Oh please send it. it's too good for them not to read it. No telling who you might shake loose.

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