Wife update
by problemaddict 26 Replies latest jw friends
Marvin Shilmer
Two people who love each other is one of the best things there is. Enjoy it. Thanks for sharing.
Marvin Shilmer
This is great news problemaddict, enjoy your freedom!
Awesome! Shows that with patience, it can be done!!
Black Sheep
Julia Orwell
Well done. Patience. You have something on your side JWs don't: time!!!
Nathan Natas
Congratulations and best wishes and good luck going forward.
One thing that LEPT out at me was that your wife was a victim of abuse and yet it seems that is not an issue for her. Am I correct on that? Does she just give her abuser a "pass" or does she think that the True Religion™ would of course have abusers of children who are "in good standing" within the religion, even holding exalted offices.