That's a great narrative. I enjoyed it. I wish you and your family the very best (if I am allowed to use the word "wish")
Wife update
by problemaddict 26 Replies latest jw friends
Thanks everyone. I'm not totally out of the woods, but from super JW to undercover dissenter in about 10 took alot of patience and work.
@ Nathan - Her abuser is dead and has been since she was much younger. She was abused twice. Once by a man "helping" in the congregation who was old. He clearly had done it before. Another was not a JW. Its of note to say that she did not grow up in the United States.
Did I also mention, her missionary father died by refusal of blood transfusion in the early 80's? It was basiacally all he needed to live.
She would have been protective of our kids no mattter what. Elders be damned if needed even when she was loyal. I am not the lay down and take it type of dude, and I think she instinctively acted up a little bit or would take more of a strong stance knowing nobody would mess with us. :)
So happy for you!!! I hope the same happens to me someday soon. Realistally I have my wife on a 10 yr plan :-) Very slowly inserting things here and there to expose the men in the ivory tower.
Once again, congrats Bro.!
Congratulations problemaddict
You may have set a record 10 months from "Spiritually Strong" (non-thinking JW) to thinking critically for herself. I hope that you, your wife, and children live free of the WTBTS's influence!
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,
Thanks again everyone. This is pretty big. i just know she isn't up for what comes ahead. I mean her family will eventually find out (they always do), and when that happens, its hell to pay.
That's wonderful.
I am thrilled for you problemaddict, you have your wife on your side now, you can face it all together. You have a bright future you and your family.