If you told anyone what the AGM was about before it was screened in their cong, you could DIE!

by Julia Orwell 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Among the inane FB comments I've come across about the AGM, this one stood out as more inane than the most enthusiastic JW slobbering:

    "Before we start taking about what happened at the AGM we must be absolutely certain that all the meetings are over. Make sure that we are obedient in the small things ago that we will be obedient in the big things. Our lives are involved."

    Yep, if you blab about the AGM before all the meetings are over you WILL DIE!

    Here's another good one: The JW who unfriended me and chucked a bit wobbly at me because I said the JWs need a new translation because the old NWT was awkward to read said this: " Jehovah blessed us all with this timely gift and may we concentrate now to use this new sword with skill in defence of his Holy Name... "

    I couldn't resist sending her a somewhat snarky message reminding her of how she treated me when I said ahead of time the NWT needed revising.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Here's another good one: " If we listen to governing body we will be all fine and be blessed in everything we do ;-))"

    Share your best ones!!!

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Bible masturbation: " I don't know if this sounds a bit odd, but I keep patting it and rubbing it like it was a kitty.. if you know what I mean. You know that soft silky smooth feeling you get and how calming it makes you feel.. and I still have this grin on my face.. I can't stop."

  • tresdecu

    Here's one I saw on my FB feed. "AGM...EPIC!"

    Are you F&%$$%# kidding me. Epic is the word you use to describe sitting in a building with no windows staring at a large video monitor for 3 hrs. All to recieve basically the same exact thing you already had...just worded a bit different. Wow. The koolaide is wafting through the air, I can smell it now. UnF$#@%&(believable!!!!

    How many witnesses do you think actually slept with it?

  • problemaddict

    How about.....

    "Oh man I totally cried my eyes out. So Epic" .......no I did not make that up.

    Also there is an Oprah meme making the rounds. You know.....You get a bible, YOU get a bible, YOU ALL get bibles!!

  • zeb

    My wife returned from conv last eve never mentioned the grey bible at all ?

    But did mention the after convention message that ran past 1930H on top of a convention program. Think of all the aged the aching and the little ones and the parents think of them all when the program could not be shortened to hear this time delay ego cast. The group she was with left at the end of the day program they had had enough!

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Good point. How the hell do you make kids sit for 3 hours?

    The sister I sent the snarky message to has bombarded me with hatin' cultspeak. It's so funny. This is the bad thing about my authentic self re-emerging: I'm a real shite-stirrer.

  • problemaddict

    Hey Julia. What did she say out of morbid curiosity. All you did was let her know that your point that somehow offended her earlier, was now a blessing from Jehovah!

    I can't take the crazies anymore.

  • zound

    I won't post them here, but the pictures of Witness families holding the new bibles and grinning really make me sad.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    OMG Zound, it's so sad!!!

    @ Problem Addict, I've posted the conversation below. NB I don't actually believe in Jehovah but use the term on Steven Hassan's recommendation.

    ME: So when I said there was a new bible coming that was more readable you chewed me out...however it's good to see you're happy with the new bible. It's a really nice translation

    JW: Don't fool yourself ... I never chewed you out about your comments regarding a new bible translation .. It was your negative comments regarding many aspects of the society I found offensive ... You have disappointed me far more then many others have because we have been through similar circumstances and Jehovah blessed you for that and all you want to seem to do now is destroy the Organisations reputation with your negative attitude... If you truly love Jehovah you will put up with imperfection from everyone and stop turning your back on Jehovah and disrespecting the guidelines that Jesus taught us to live by ... I hope that this new gift from Jah sees you returning to meetings and strengthening your relationship with Jehovah because he is worthy of your whole souled praise and so is his organisation.. Agape to you from me always.

    Me: Thanks. I feel closer to Jehovah now than I ever have. Thank Him for his blessings always! I am very disappointed about the malicious gossip that has gone around about me from God's loving people (thankfully not all in Mudgee! ) but hey, each one is accountable to Jehovah and it's not for us to judge others.

    I find it strange that I've been accused of turning my back on Jehovah and what Jesus taught us to live by...sure, I said some inflammatory things as imperfect people are wont to do, but I've not broken a single Bible command. The Organisation isn't perfect, but it does no good to pretend it is. Five years ago the Faithful and discreet slave was the 144 000 remnant, this year it's 8 men. Truth changes, but if you point it out you're 'negative'.

    I trust in Jehovah and wait upon Him.cheers

    JW: I've not known any brother or sister of the earthly class and certainly not of the anointed who has ever had the attitude that they are perfect ... Even what you just said was slander, you spoke against Jehovah's own organisation. I just don't understand how you can be so negative against the organisation and feel you are close to Jehovah.. Don't you understand you are insulting Jehovah himself? And what did Jesus say? ANY who say bad against you (anointed) are also saying bad against ME... So your even insulting Jesus when you think negative of the slave class... And No one is gossiping about you.. Your continuous comments about Jahs name and negative articles about JWs were all over Facebook that's what I saw & read and I don't want to associate with ANYONE, who has such on their FB wall. I have enough negativity to deal with in my life without seeing it online.

    I will pray that Jehovah gives you the spiritual strength to have clarity with your thoughts in regard to his organisation. As for me I embrace the brighter light of truth which Is going to get brighter still until the New System is here.

    Me: I will pray for you too.

    Hope your life gets better and the negativity clears up for you. Life is a gift and I'm grateful mine is positive.

    May YHWH/Jehovah give you increased light.

    xox Julia

    Notice how my pointing out the FDS change is 'slander' in her eyes? These sorts of exchanges are good reminders that I was right to leave.

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