What's with all the JWs unleashing the hate!?

by Julia Orwell 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • Simon

    I think they are lashing out because the truth hurts.

    They are angry because they know we're right, but refuse to accept the WTS is wrong.

    Some people have literally thrown away years of their lives, sometimes sacrificed loved ones.

    They desperately want to still be right and attack the new messenger with the bad news instead of the original messenger with the lies.

  • LostGeneration

    To engage in private dialogue is the online equivalent of being in a car alone with someone of the opposite sex which would be inappropriate. There's no telling where the slippery slope of private messaging could lead us. Before you know it we may even exchange cell phone numbers or even worse.

    Ok, that's Miz for sure! C'mon and fess up!

  • sir82

    He certainly is staying in character longer than before.

  • sd-7

    “What is involved in avoiding false teachers? … We also refuse toadd our comments to their blogs.”—(The Watchtower, July 15, 2011 p. 16.)

    Huh. So this was just an idle suggestion, then? That position is doubly untenable, as there are two major factors involved: (1) the expulsion of an ex-JW from the religion requires them to be shunned, and (2) their direct opposition to/disagreement with the JW teachings means they must be avoided like the plague.

    By all means, look up the quote yourself. You said:

    As far as it being wrong for me to post here because the Slave said so, show me where? If you do have such material, where these commandments?

    I have just shown you. July 15, 2011 Watchtower, page 16. If you believe this is merely a suggestion or optional, then based on the Watchtower's own wods, I have to conclude you are either not one of Jehovah's Witnesses or that you are a disloyal one. There are certain things that are suggestions--like maybe wearing a suit while giving a talk rather than a sportcoat and slacks. Not the end of the world if you ignore it. But this is definitely not in the same category by any stretch of the imagination.


  • sd-7

    But...in line with the OP, this is just the common response when one's cherished beliefs are challenged. Whether JWs have a rational defense to offer or not is irrelevant; the point is, this is a belief system that affects every aspect of their lives. For someone to suggest that it is in error might even be frightening to ponder, especially for those who use the religion as a moral crutch or who have a great deal of investment in it as far as time, money, emotion and energy. I was the same way when confronted with challenges to my beliefs years ago. Nothing new about it.


  • Legacy


    I agree with many of you. I am a new witness. Many times I share my faith, & if they don't agree. No problem. For many witnesses this is their life, this is their last stop or last line of defense. This is their foundation. To tell them this is not God's Org., would turn them up side down. They could not function. So they come back with hate because this forum has rocked their world.

    I think their basic problem is having Faith. Faith in what they preach. See they have cleaned themselves up, they are now morally clean but that's not enough. Faith is what gives a christian peace, and comfort. They are so busy spreading the good news, they forgot to take it in themselves. Going out in service is what they think will wipe the slate clean. Many of them that come on this forum know many of the replies are correct, but they can't bring themselves to believe it. It can't be true...this is God's org...that is the first mistake...God is not partial...this says it all.

    Twice sisters told me about my dressing..well, I loved bomb them, & they went scattering away, proud that they corrected someone. If you love bomb them, that takes them off their game...I told one sister...thank you so much, I'm glad you told me & not an elder & girl, don't you worry, I'm good, now go get some sleep....In life we are all going to be critisized & you will eventually critisize someone as well. So it's best to get over it...or better still, get over ourselves....If you even read other sites, they are not as nice as this one is...there are witnesses & non-witnesses on that site & they go at it...Most of the witnesses on that site are really rude...even if you ask a simple question, they come back at you with both barrells loaded...

    This by far is a nice forum where one can leave & get support or stay & vent until they/I get the nerve to leave...

    Many of the witnesses don't have an outlet, so they are depressed & sometimes that turns into hate...

    Why is the Dead sea dead....NO OUTLET..


  • Apognophos

    Come on, guys, why are you wasting your time replying to someone who is just jerking your chain? I would really expect some of you in particular to be way too smart to buy into this, as there are several indicators of satire in some of the newcomer's posts. Even if the person were genuine, you accomplish absolutely nothing by trying to reason with them, except the aforementioned wasting of your own time.

    The only correct method to deal with a troll is to ignore him. Do not say a word to him. Do not acknowledge him. It doesn't matter if he addresses you by name. What harm can he do to you? "Sticks and stones", and all that.

  • Stand for Pure Worship
    Stand for Pure Worship

    You label me a troll because you cannot challenge the validity of my arguments. Invalidate the messenger, invalide the message.


    Trolls should be Funny!..Their posts should be Funny!..

    Posts should not look like you Stole your moms Prescription Medication..

    Washed it down with a 40 ouncer of beer and are working on another 40 ouncer..

    If your Not going to be Funny,we can Easily get Another Troll from Ebay..

    ................................. photo mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW

  • ABibleStudent

    Stand for Pure Worship - In fact I have some fellow JW apologists planning on registering to make these discussions more even. As far as it being wrong for me to post here because the Slave said so, show me where?

    COOL!!! More JWs who will be starting to critically think for themselves.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


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