What's with all the JWs unleashing the hate!?

by Julia Orwell 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • LisaRose

    They are unleashing hate because their cult mentality is in control. They spew their venom because they suspect they are wrong and can't stand it. It's like children who cover their ears and say la la la la la, because they don't want to hear. They are afraid that the organization they revere is full of lies and they know it. They are afraid.

    I know because I used to be like that. When faced with a former dub, my defences would go up, I would actually be afraid, because the cult conditioning was so strong. Fear of Apostacy is very deeply ingrained in most JWs. I didn't come here until eight years after I left, it took that long for the fear to go away. I had believed all the nonsense that apostates were bitter, unhappy people who want to tear your faith away. It's so silly when you think about it, what could anyone do to another to take away their faith? It's just words, if someone's faith is true, it should stand up to opposite viewpoints.

  • perfect1

    Julia, a post like this is a sign it is time to go outside and interact with real life people.

  • d

    I feel that if someone has the truth it should be able to take critism. If it can not take critism then it is not the truth.

    People should always question things.

  • tenyearsafter

    That does it...SFPW is "punking" us. This person is either a fantastic practical joker or utterly crazy...'nuff said.

  • LisaRose

    I am sure you are right. I ran into a bunch of posters like that on Topix. Nothing I have seen here can touch the insanity on that site, and my feelings are not hurt by anything anyone has posted that's for sure. Trolls or prankster, who cares? I just skim over their posts, it's not worth my time. At the end of the day, some people will always disagree with you, no matter what you post.

  • 5go

    Who I might know them personally.

  • minimus

    This is not about hate, it is about bs. Do not delude yourselves and don't take every statement on the internet as absolute truth....just be smart!

  • The Quiet One
  • MissMyHarley

    He is just a witness who is still WITLESS. The more he writes to convience you he is right, the easier he can accept the bitter pill that is being shoved down his throat.

    Maybe, just maybe, he has enough critical thinking capicity to understand his own stupidity. Or not. Anyhow he has a right to say what he feels and we have a right to laugh at him/her. ROTFLMAO at the clown called Stand For Pure Bullshit er, I mean Stand For Pure Worship.

  • vangogh

    I feel that too, the truth is hurting, they know they are trapped and cant get out. They realise they are being 'had', its playing at the back of their minds but they have invested so much of their own selves and more. All their friends and often family too are jw. They are in a corner with nowhere to go so start lashing out.They are exactly where the watchtower want them to be, all they can do now is to defend the watchtower, they truely are 'captives of a concept'.

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