Ancient Confession Found: 'We Invented Jesus Christ'

by Watchtower-Free 223 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • tec

    Seriously? Everything DJS posted was a shot at me. His only comment on this thread was a shot at me. Then another at me, and at those who agreed that he took a shot at me.

    Reverend Tammy,

    It doesn't matter what facts, evidence or emperical data is presented on this site, you are going to believe what you believe. And that is fine. But your entry into these discussions is simply one more comment that I don't have to read but that lengthens my stay by requiring me to scan through screen clutter and chaff before i get to the analytical intelligence nuggets. Ithink I will start a drinking game where I will take a shot each time Cofty follows one of your posts with a comment about your imaginary creatures. Hey Team. Anyone wannna join me?

    I don't know a thing about this book but wouldn't dis it without learning more about it. You make a habit out of such. Back, back, back to the cave (of course that will only require turning around and taking one very small step).

    This followed on the heels of other personal attacks that he has made against me, and various comments about me being a step lower on the evolutionary ladder. Following me onto another thread that he was not even part of JUST to make the attack.

    So maybe you and anyone else can consider that you don't know what you are talking about before you decide that somehow I did the attacking.

    For the record... I never joined the wts to begin with. Almost, but I had missed a very important aspect to their teaching. That everyone who dies at armageddon gets no resurrection. And I was supposed to look forward to that and hope for it to come at any day? I could not do it. No love in it.



  • friendaroonie

    His comments are about your comments not about you. Seriously. He may nlt have eloquent or scholarly in his critique of your comments and perhaps a bit dismissive bug it does not qualify as an zd hominem attack. Some of your comments however may actually qualify. But im not going to go back and forth wiyh you. I ckuld be arong after all. Now your turn. YOU say, "I, Tammy, could be totally wrong nlt just about God but about everything." If you say that ill have respect for you and maybe read your posts in the future. But if cant say that Ill probably join that other dude and just roll my eyes right past your posts because Ialready know what your forgone conclusions wkll end up saying, right?

  • tec

    You think what you want about DJS comments. He knows what else he has said to me. He did not state one thing to rebut my comments... nothing at all. His post was personal and against me. His previous posts show the truth of that. But think as you choose.


    But you want me to deny knowing my Lord, and so also God through my Lord... so that I can have your respect?

    You might as well get them eyes rollin' love.

    I have no quarrel with you (though you may want one with me)... but I cannot and will not do this thing you are asking me to do.



  • Comatose

    He asked you to humbly admit you could be wrong. Not to turn on god, just say you could be wrong about anything you believe (including god). He didnt ask you to say you think you are wrong, just that you could be wrong.

  • Ruby456

    my 2 cents - informed by the best scholars is that the evidence for an historical Jesus is mostly hearsay. Even Josephus' writings were subjected to christian additions and this could have happened anytime up to the 9th century as our copies date from then rather than from the first century. Such phrases as "he was the Chirst" are believed to be later additions, later than the Flavians anyway. Josephus tended to write about Jesus as a man.

    another thing - the jews were expecting many messiahs not just one. There were probably many such during the first century - in fact the gospels do attest this. I guess it is human nature to desire one figure to represent what all the others stood for.

    I am agnostic as to belief or unbelief in a superantural Jesus and find myself agreeing with design's politico-economic reasoning and standpoint regarding Jesus on this thread.

  • Xanthippe
    I haven't watched the video yet but a quick question. If Rome invented Jesus and Christianity why did Rome, and Nero in particular, persecute them?

    Well as we know there is a only a paragraph in Tacitus about Nero persecuting the Christians. It hasn't been an interest of mine up to this point but it would be intriguing to know what all the primary sources are for Rome persecuting the Christians. I have long understood that Tacitus is one of the key primary sources for the existence of Jesus apart from the Bible but if that is true there is precious little to go on there. If anyone wants to know what Tacitus says or the page number I have it on my shelf just let me know.

    Also people often quote scholars as evidence for the existence of Jesus or Paul but I was taught when you study history you have to ask yourself is this secondary source unbiased? What agenda does this person have? When people quote scholars on here for proof of Jesus or the apostles please take a moment to notice if they are devout Christians.

  • DeWandelaar

    What I find more alarming is the fact that a cave hids a shitload of documents and some guys at some day picked cherries in order to create a book and discarding the rest.

    Also... if it is found all together what does it say about the trustworthyness of ALL the papers/scrolls/books?

  • Ruby456

    interesting what Tacitus says

    Tacitus, Histories 5.13: The majority [of the Jews] were convinced that the ancient scriptures of their priests alluded to the present as the very time when the Orient would triumph and from Judaea would go forth men destined to rule the world. This mysterious prophecy really referred to Vespasian and Titus, but the common people, true to the selfish ambitions of mankind, thought that this exalted destiny was reserved for them, and not even their calamities opened their eyes to the truth.

  • cofty

    Well as we know there is a only a paragraph in Tacitus about Nero persecuting the Christians. - Xanthippe

    So you are saying that perhaps it's a myth that Christians were persecuted by the Romans. Didn't see that one coming.

  • kassad84

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