Are MOST JW's lacking Moral Fibre ?

by Phizzy 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • Phizzy

    I find that whether born in or converts, most JW's give their own conscience over to the GB (and Writing dept) to dictate how they will react to any moral question.

    They simply lack a conscience of their own.

    This is not their fault, we should not look down on them for this, their conscience, their natural feeling of what is right and wrong has been:


    We all know how the cult does this to them, it did it to us, I really am almost in tears when I think that had either of my darling children needed a Blood transfusion I would have resisted, believing what I have been taught all my life, that their Eternal life was more important than their life now.

    How can we persuade JW's to take back their conscience ?

    This is not a small thing, this is really BIG.

    JW's are prepared to murder their children, they are prepared to cut off their children and family members, who may in fact be in danger of suicide over such shunning, again - murder, and all because they are not able to exercise their own moral decisions and belief.

    When it comes to the matter of Truth, J.W's will only accept as Truth that which is dished out to them this week, or next, by the GB/Writing dept.

    How can we persuade them to get a conscience of their own ? How can we help them recognise Truth ??

    Sometimes all it takes is to say "Grow a set of balls ", a crude expression, but one that works with a few. Most lack the ability to do so, having been emascualted thoroughly by the Cult.

    How can we help them ?

  • KariOtt

    I wish I knew

  • jgnat

    I know it is a broken record for sure, but I think speaking directly to the natural person helps. Being genuine ourselves and making sure our facial expressions match our words is very important. Saying things like, "You KNOW this is not right", can all help.

    I think it is quite impossibile for a Witness to keep up all the rules. They have a choice of confessing their failures to the elders on a regular basis, covering up their weakness, or lying to themselves. For sheer survival, it is best to cover up.

  • nonjwspouse

    I think what has happened to many, is they lack understanding of morals. They feel one way ( a concience) then told to act another ( cognitive dissonense) and if they feel they need to be spiritually strong they learn to ignore the concience. Thus the cycle....

  • Phizzy

    Well expressed NJWSpouse, and thanks, Jgnat, that is a way we can help them, to sincerely face their problem, and make them see it.

  • gingerbread

    I'm predicting that the new JW Library App will be a huge hit - an instant answer to any decision with the tap of a finger.

    No researching or thinking required!


  • Xanthippe

    I read a book about helping people recover from torture. It said in totalitarian countries once a person has been tortured into betraying their own families or friends they are finished, morally broken, because the guilt just destroys them.


    How can you have moral fibre when you have no moral center of your own? Jw's have no personal beliefs, save one, and that is the belief that the WTBTS is God's organization. As a result their "beliefs" are simply nebulous concepts that are subject to change at any given moment, not because a truth is discovered, but because 8 dudes say so. Whatever the GB says is what a JW believes. Last year all JWs believed in a slave class that existed since 33CE, and that the NWT was the best bible ever, and that all Christs disciples were part of the FDS.

  • warehouse
    Phizzy wrote:

    JW's are prepared to murder their children,
    Phizzy then wrote:

    Sometimes all it takes is to say "Grow a set of balls ", a crude expression, but one that works with a few. Most lack the ability to do so, having been emascualted thoroughly by the Cult.

    If JWs can't even grow a pair of balls, how could they possibly be prepared to kill their own children? Or, if they are so degenerate so as to kill their own children, wouldn't that put them beyond the scope of the help of individuals from this forum?

  • jgnat

    warehouse, I think a better way to explain it as the cruelty of inaction, is that parents stand by and do nothing as their children die.

    Jehovah's Witnesses are not the first to exhibit the cruelty of passive conformity.


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