So an elder just dropped by my job, completely out of the blue. Recepitionist called me over and there he was. he told about annual meerting and grey bible....etc. I said I never received an invite, he just shook his head and said sorry. He did mention something really interesting: He said that one of GB members mentioned in his talk that in the near future "special instructions" may be given from the platform and the friends are to keep this info. Confidential. He said no details were given, but it highlighted the importance of meeting attendance. Is this just a scare tactic to keep the friends constant at meetings or is this aimed specifically to deal with faders? Hmmmm
WTS vs Faders????
by El_Guapo 23 Replies latest jw friends
Faithful Witness
Oh good grief. Now what? How soon? Did he seem like he knew what these instructions were?
I remember a long-time Bethelite saying:
There is telegraph, telephone, but the fastest transmission of
It sounds like the scare tactic, but an organization-supported one.
It helps keep the sense of urgency even when events are a total letdown.
I would think that some of the ones that have listened to ALL the recordings would have commented on that by now if it were true, that would be pretty significant.
He might have been referring to the Nov 17 articles about being prepared to do things that may not make sense, to a thinking human. SO the Jws are okay there.
Lol Same old scare tactic that I grew up listening to.
He didn't sound like he knew what these instructions were, but just told me "El Guapo, if this comment doesn't highlight the importance of meetings"..... Blah, blah, blah...
Faithful Witness
Someone will probably post it here anyway. There are no secrets in that organization anymore.
Unless the WTS can arrange to have meetings simultaneously at the same time earthwide, I don't see how they can do it. What about people in the hospital or seriously ill at home. Is he pulling a Noah was told when to get on the ark reasoning? No one knows the day or the hour; it will come at a time you think not. OT example, only the men were required to attend their large meetings, optional for women.
He said that one of GB members mentioned in his talk that in the near future "special instructions" may be given from the platform and the friends are to keep this info. confidential.
"Special Instructions, Confidential" an announcement at the beginning of the Memorial talk where the Governing Body announce the "new light" that all JW's will drink the wine & eat the unleavened bread shipped directly from the Watchtower, then watch all those fools drop dead like Jonestown.