WTS vs Faders????

by El_Guapo 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gayle

    Used to be to have immediate contact with the "book study" as the Kingdom Halls would be watched by the gov. etc enemies. Now ironically, they 'themselves' have closed the 'home' book studies. Still with same fear tactic to not ever miss a 'book study' meetings with 'secret' instructions for the next meeting. Their secrets, fear, paranoia continues.

    With Internet the WTS can not have any secrets, finally, any more.


    I heard the same thing about the Book Studys held in private homes..

    They were the most important meeting to go to..

    You never wanted to miss that meeting!!..

    After decades..

    The most important meeting you could go to was scrapped..


    Important WBT$ Information!..

    ........................... photo mutley-ani1.gif ...OUTLAW

  • Apognophos

    I don't remember hearing any such thing, so unless the recording proves me wrong, I have to wonder what that elder was smoking. Perhaps he was very confused and thinking of the Nov. 15 WT, as notjustyet suggested, but there's a big difference between something written in an article to be studied months from now, and something just said from the platform at the AGM.

  • Oubliette

    - Special Announcement: Please Use Only One Paper Towel!

    Seriously, us apostates generally know what's going on in JW-land quicker and more accurately than the R&F.

    Come on, during their precious Annual Meeting we had a mole giving us a play-by-play as it was happening live!

    We get BOE letters posted here before the elders get them in the mail.

    I know way more about JWs now than I ever did when I was a lowly congregation elder.

  • gingerbread

    All congregations now have 'service groups' with an elder and assistant responsible for getting information to the publishers. These subsets of the congregation are intended to act like the old book study arrangement. The group leaders call and text.

    Currently the information shared is about changes in meeting/service times or locations, hall cleaning and outside maintenance & reminders to turn in service time.

    When we were semi-regular, we received communications. Now it seems they just don't bother.


  • Bobcat

    At the AGM, the brother doing the chairman duties asked the audience to keep the contents of the AGM and the release of the Bible confidential until the other groups could hear it at their AGM showing.

    Saturday morning was live. But the Saturday afternoon and two Sunday showings were taped.

    This was the only thing having to do with confidentiality that was mentioned. The elder telling his story to El_Guapo probably got his story a bit confused.

    Stories like this are used to get the R&F to never miss a meeting. You could be faithful and slave for the Society for 30 years. But you miss just one meeting, and that was the meeting they gave out survival instructions. So your out. Too bad! You shouldn't have missed that meeting. That's what you get for having a heart attack and a stroke and your mother's funeral on that particular day.

  • Comatose

    lol Bobcat! So true. That one pesky meeting! Why did diarrhea strike? Now you have to clean your bathroom and you die next week since you missed that announcement!

  • El_Guapo

    Lol! Very true, I remember hearing about those "earth shattering" announcements that would only be given at one particular meeting. An elder used to say, there is only 2 reasons to miss a meeting death or if you're in a coma. BARF!!!!!!

  • problemaddict

    Did yu ever see the movie Sneakers? It was good.

    No more secrets!

    Can you imagine if they actually tried to announce something from the platform that is confidential? Who do these people think they are the freaking FBI? Their own history is out in the open and confidential from their own viewing. To suggest there will be special instructions from the platform, suggests there will be special knowledge. is it the position of JW's now that they will get a "heads up" when the tribulation begins and everyone has been judged?

  • Separation of Powers
    Separation of Powers

    Been saying that since the 60's at least, and probably before. The meetings are like a box of chocolates....

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