A House Divided Against Itself Falls-Luke 11:17

by Stand for Pure Worship 86 Replies latest jw friends


    To be fair, maybe it's me. Maybe I've been a JW so long that I cant imagine being part of any movement without unity.....SFPW


    Here you are Disregarding WBT$ Advice,to Stay Away from Apostate Web Sites..

    Most JW`s wouldn`t want Anything to Do with You..

    Except for the JW Renegades,the WBT$ Grinds Up and Spits Out..

    Your Future is Grim in Watchtower World, if your ever Found Out..


    .......................................... photo mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW

  • problemaddict


    Thanks for starting a thread topic. Well quite simply, the people here and in other places are all autonomous. Differing views and opinions are tolerated and allowed without issue. in other words, people can FEEL differently about something, and still be a part of a community. In addition.....nobody here is claiming to speak for God. Big dfference. There are no claims made here that need to be lived up to.

    Honestly, it isn't about how much "success" one has or does not have. Most of us here have been long time loyal JW's for most or all of our lives. Now we are in a situation where we feel differently about the religion we once knew. What is interesting, is that this board wouldn't exist, if the GB did not take such a hard line stance against alternative views and former members. Since they do, it has become a long and arduous process to work with my long time loyal to the JW's wife in order to allow her to think for herself. She hasn't completely left, but you could be damn sure she wouldn't do something absolutely insane like turn down a possible life saving blood transfusion for our child because 8 guys in NY told her to.

    That is really all I want.

    It is not easy to leave the religion of my youth. It is the hardest thing i haveever done. But I simply cannot look the other way in the face of doctrine and beliefs that cannot be justified scripturally. i had to tangle my mind in knots to come up with the societies explanation on things. So at the tender age of 35 (my current age), I decided to stop serving the congregation, and pull away from the organization.

    If you are here to put your faith to the test, or just out of curiosity fair enough. Best to address others with a certain amount of dignity wouldn't you say? Im not a big fan of 6 screens of the watchtower. it hink the owner fo the site is nuts. JWfacts is great and is very factually based with refferences etc... that can be easily verified. JWsurvey and JWstruggle i think are also very eye openign even if they contin more interprative commentary. Regardless, those sites are put together by individuals. its not a "religion" over here. People can exist in freedom.

    Is there perhaps a doctrin you had issue with? You are certainly welcome here, but to be honest, it is puzzling as to why you are here. You are clearly o with disobeying the direection of the slave class. I started out in apologetics on line defending our beliefs. i did this for a couple years. Finally I found something indefensible that made me think twice about accountability, bloodguilt, and the role of the GB. It was blood. I consider it the most indefensible doctrine.

    What about you? Whats your story?

  • LisaRose

    I post, not for Stands benefit, of course he is a troll, but for any who might be lurkers. It's a legitimate question, those who are questioning might be put off by those here who like a debate and believe in different things.

  • Crazyguy

    Well Stand for pure worship, I was lied to for over 40 years believing that the JW religion was Gods chosen channel. They lied to me about Who are Sons of God. They lied about who and who was not shown in heaven and who goes to heaven in Chapter 7 of Revelations. They lied about 607bce. They lied about several other topics in the bible too. So i'll take a motley crue of individuals telling it like it is our how they feel over a bunch of liers any day!!!

  • Retrovirus

    Hi and welcome SFPW!

    To be fair, maybe it's me. Maybe I've been a JW so long that I cant imagine being part of any movement without unity and love amongst ourselves. How do you folks do it?

    Well, what is a "movement"? I'm a non-jw, I "belong" to a family, a workplace, charity groups, a bushwalking club and a liberal, inclusive church. None of them require unity. There are various levels and kinds of common interest, comradeship, affection and love.

    What happens to the love of the congregation when a baptised believer can no longer believe?


  • J. Hofer
    J. Hofer

    also the non-buddhists are falling apart, because they believe in different things! 8O

  • Dis-Member

    "along with it the unity and love amongst the brothers and sisters. (John 13:35)??"

    Did I just read correctly?

    I spent over 30 years involved with the JW's and I can tell you from extended and deep persoanal experience that they catergorically do not have genuine love among themselves. The love is totally conditional, artificial and fake. The friendships are a sharade and a great false act, an empty pretense and an insult to the concept of true love that Jesus spoke of.

    As an organisation they do nothing for anyone.. not orphans (I know because I was one) or widows as Jesus commanded. The society does no charity or community work what so ever.. they clothe and feed no one. Not even their own.

    Jesus identified his true followers by the love they would have for all including neighbours and even enemies, but it's well known that the witnesses teach and practice malicious shunning and hate which is the very opposite of love. All things Jesus never did ot taught.

    How do you know an organization is up to no good? When it opens an in-house Legal Department.

  • caliber

    A House Divided Against Itself Falls

    This not a house... it is only a discussion forum where you are free to express your thoughts

    Lock-step conformity is not the source of love or true unity ... learn more about true christian freedom... learn about grace

    New Century Version - Even more than all this, clothe yourself in love. Love is what holds you all together in perfect unity. Col 3:14

    the one thing that indicates Jehovah's blessing upon the worldwide association of Kingdom proclaimers, is not only the continued success of the preaching work but along with it the unity and love amongst the brothers and sisters. (John 13:35)

    What is the Gospel message about, the kingdom or about the death and raising of Christ ?

    1 cor15 : 1 ..Now, brothers and sisters, I want to remind you of the gospel I preached to you, which you received and on which you have taken your stand.

    2 By this gospel you are saved, if you hold firmly to the word I preached to you. Otherwise, you have believed in vain.

    3 For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance [a]: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, 4 that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures,

    But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse. As we have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let them be under God’s curse - Gal 1:8,9

  • smiddy


    To be fair, maybe it's me. Maybe I've been a JW so long that

    Yep it is you , alzheimers , dementia ? brainwashed for so long you have no critical thinking ability left ?

    I cant imagine being part of any movement without unity ....LOL unity ? Forced , imposed unity is what it is . Sanctions and penaltys apply if you dont comply.

    and love amongst ourselves.....you gotta be kidding me !... Seriously ?" Love" as practiced by jehovahs witnesses is totally conditional on a person remaining loyal to the watchtower organization ,not jehovah god , not jesus christ ,but on being loyal to the watchtower publishing/real estate organization in their" Not for Profit"scam .

    How do you folks do it? It`s no secret really, we are honest with ourselves , we admit when we are wrong , we dont lie , we dont have hidden agendas , and we dont manipulate people . We call a spade a spade .

    Unlike the Watchtower / Jehovahs Witness organization that is continually re-defining their history , which at best is deceitful, and worse is outright lying .

    Thankfully we now have the internet to expose those deceptions and lies and show what the WTB&TS posing as a religion is really all about , a publishing agency that has duped millions of members into buying their products and profiteering from real estate ventures in the name of religion.

    Why does the organization require re-modelling of Kingdom Halls , who many say dont need it ,, lending the money to upgrade ,with interest paid back to them ,on a loan that they only can give, if its not a scam.And of course the congregation members foot the repayments.


  • Ucantnome

    i think sfpw that jehovah's witnesses are a religion whereas this is a website.

    having said that there is some unity on the site regarding how people feel about the teachings of jehovah's witnesses i think, do you?

    i have never posted on this site with any intentions of changing anyone's views other than maybe my own.

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