Looks like Stand For Pure Worship has backed outa this thread lol.
A House Divided Against Itself Falls-Luke 11:17
by Stand for Pure Worship 86 Replies latest jw friends
Stand for Pure Worship
No, I haven't backed out, I just haven't had a moment to read everything. Have to admit I'm surprised by some of the comments. Some of you have legitimate gripes with the way you were treated by individuals within the organization. Some of you I believe Armageddon didn't come on your stopwatch and so you gave up. It was all about petting a Panda bear for you or having a wildebeest farm. Back to those treated poorly by a few individuals, I was treated poorly by someone on my job, does that mean I should look for other employment as a result?
Back to those treated poorly by a few individuals, I was treated poorly by someone on my job, does that mean I should look for other employment as a result?
Well yeah, if someone on your job raped you, or threatened your family into shunning you, maybe you might want to look for a new job...
Come on Miz, you haven't started on the bottle this early, have you?
So stand for pure worship has had several different accounts here? Maybe he should focus more on unity within himself...
Not sure what the point is in coming to an exJW board and playing JW apologist when you already know it's not the truth?
dis-member bas it right, their love is totally condition and all inclusive. We had a young sister that was studying going to all the meetings, also a older one doing the same. The young sister to be was pretty much homeless able to sleep in her dads truck but that's it and the older study was in a bad abusive home. Only the young sister was offered a place to stay before she got baptised, by me and my family. The other older study no such luck, not until she got baptized. So both if it wasn't for me would have been out of luck until baptized from the loving congregation. They knlyove thier own and only if thier compliant. What a joke!
Badly treated by a few individuals? How about badly treated by 4 congregations over a 30 year period?
Yet still I don't make personal attacks on individual witnesses. I just don't believe any more that they are God's chosen people, and what parts of truth they do have, (and every religion on earth is part truth by the way) is spoiled and ruined by over a century of false teachings flip flops, old light, new light, poor light, dull light, wrong light, bad light, lights on the blink and often complete darkness.
Even putting aside all personal experiences (and I could tell you horror stories of the behaviour of the witnesses) it's the teachings themselves that have caused me to lose complete respect and any reverence I had to the organisation and society as a whole. They are no better then anyone else in the word. They drink, they smoke, they lie and steal and lust and covet and abuse and rape and molest and deceive yet they strut around with a air of importance and an arrogance that has become quite unsettling to behold.
There is no true love. There is no true humility. There is no true compassion.
What respect I used to have for the witnesses has dissipated. In my eyes they have the status of dishonest and repugnant second hand car salesmen. .. and before you attempt to label or tag me as some bitter apostate, You should know that I am neither disfellowshipped and neither am I disassociated. I just left one day and did not go back. I was looking for the truth.. I was looking for God, I was looking for Jesus, I was looking for love.
I found none of them there.
" Some of you I believe Armeggedon didn't come on your stop watch and so you gave up "_____Stand for pure..........
Correction !!!! You mean come on the Watch Tower Societies stop watch as in false prophecy
" The generation that was alive at the beginning of the fulfillment of the sign in 1914 is now well along in years. The time remaining must be very short."_____Reasoning from the Scriptures Book page 239
How many 100 year old publishers do you have in your congregation
I stayed for thirty years, despite being treated like a second class citizen because my husband was disfellowshipped. I stayed twenty five years after I was told Armageddon would come. I didn't give up, I just realized that it wasn't God's organization after all, so why would I stay?
No true Christian should stay in an organization that makes false predictions, that lies about its past, that protects pedophiles at the expense of children. So troll, the question is not why we left, it's why haven't you?
'Have you ever wondered why we grow old and die? Some sea turtles live for hundreds of years. Certain trees have lived for thousands of years. But humans live just 70 or 80 years then die. Have you ever wondered why ?'_____Reasoning Book page 14
If time was short at the time the Reasoning Book was written, accordin' to page 14
the WTS has run outta time
It's all about perception. ex-JW's aren't divided, each one thinks one crack is worse than the other. The cracks in the wall of WT are huge! Your crack could the blood issue....meaning, now we can accept "blood fractions" as part of medical treatment. How many lives were lost before this policy change? How many more could have been saved? But they died faithful right......so if a life is saved now from accepting blood fractions, they are deemed just as faithful because the GB took a vote on it and ruled it "OK" now?
Someone else's crack could be the change on voting. Did you know it's a matter of conscience now? How many lives could have been saved if this "new light" came in the late 60's.......when JW's were being butchered in Malawi? I guess they should have had that vote in NY sooner to save them.
My crack pretty much is 1914. Did you know that Charles Taze Russell first had the date for Christ's coming at 1874, based on measurements from the great Pyramid in Egypt? When that date came and went, he found a new passage in the pyramid, it added length or years as he thought, so the new date became 1914? They wanted something Bible based, so they played with numbers using a bad starting point of 607 BCE as the destruction of Jerusalem......but it was destroyed in 587 BCE, a date verified by historians and the WT themselves, ironically enough.
It's not divisions.......it's just too many directions to go............